Shapers of Darkness (Winds of the Forelands, Bk. 4)
Seeds of Betrayal (Winds of the Forelands, Book 2)
Bonds of Vengeance (Winds of the Forelands, Bk.3)
Finlands konstindustri
Irelands in the Asia-Pacific (Irish Literary Studies)
Irelands Others
Farmlands, Forts, and Country Life
Two Irelands
dinner with firends
Ecological Planning for Farmlands Preservation
King of Irelands Son
Censorship in the Two Irelands 1922-1939
The Carpathians and Their Foreland
Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins
Attio ar finlandssvensk litteratur
Fools, Frauds and Firebrands
Bibliografi over mottagandet av Jorn Donners skonlitterara produktion i finlandsk och rikssvensk press 1951-1981 (Meddelanden / Abo akademi, Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen) (Swedish Edition)
Late Mississippian (Arnsbergian Stage-E Chronozone) ammonoid paleontology and biostratigraphy of the Antler Foreland Basin, California, Nevada, Utah (Paleontology series)
Wildlife Habitat Management of Forestlands, Rangelands, and Farmlands