Stainless Steels for Medical and Surgical Applications
Weldability of Ferritic Steels
Duplex Stainless Steels
The Microstructure of Steels and Cast Irons
Ultra-Fine Grained Steels
Microalloying in Steels
High Nitrogen Steels And Stainless Steel
Physical Metallurgy of Steels
Bainite in Steels
High-Chromium Ferritic and Martensitic Steels for Nuclear Applications (Monograph (American Society for Testing and Materials), 3.)
Structure and Properties of Dual-Phase Steels
Handbook of Thermal Process Modeling of Steels
Welding Metallurgy and Weldability of Stainless Steels
Physical Metallurgy of Thermomechanical Treatment of Structural Steels
Worldwide Guide to Equivalent Irons and Steels
Atlas of Time-Temperature Diagrams for Irons and Steels
Guidelines on Materials Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels for H2S-Containing Environments in Oil and Gas Production (3rd Edition) (EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF CORROSION SERIES)
New Developments on Metallurgy and Applications of High Strength Steels 2008
Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Weldments in Duplex Stainless Steels
Heat Treatment, Selection and Application of Tool Steels
A Working Party Report on Guidelines on Materials Requirements for Carbona nd Low Aloy Steels for H2S-Containing Environments in Oil and Gas productio