International Commercial Arbitration Pacific Rim 2008
Mathematics Curriculum in Pacific Rim Countries-China, Japan, Korea, and Singapore
Mathematics Curriculum in Pacific Rim Countries
Gary Snyder and the Pacific Rim
Organisational Behaviour on the Pacific Rim
Environmental Law and Enforcement in the Asia-Pacific Rim
Global Studies: Japan and the Pacific Rim
US Economic Development Policies Towards the Pacific Rim
Economic Development and Urban Policy in the Pacific Rim (Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, Vol)
Financial Sector Development in the Pacific Rim
US Economic Development Policies Towards The Pacific Rim
APEC and the Construction of Pacific Rim Regionalism
International Financial Issues in the Pacific Rim
Tectonic Studies of Asia and the Pacific Rim
Crossing Oceans: Reconfiguring American Literary Studies in the Pacific Rim (平装)
Southern Asia, Australia & Pacific Rim
The Wild Side Guide to Vancouver Island's Pacific Rim
Monetary Policy with Very Low Inflation in the Pacific Rim
Intelligent Agents: Specification, Modeling, and Application: 4th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2001, Taipei, Taiwan, July 28-29, 2001, Proceedings