After the Music Stopped 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024

After the Music Stopped

Alan S. Blinder 作者
Penguin Press HC, The
2013-1-24 出版日期
496 页数
USD 29.95 价格
9781594205309 图书编码

After the Music Stopped 在线电子书 图书标签: 金融  金融危机  经济  英文原版  经济学  financial  economics  crisis   

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如果看过并给Too Big To Fail(TBTF)五星评价,一定要看这本书。两者的区别 academic vs journalism。具体来说:TBTF是个科普性质的读物,让普通大众了解到有这样一种情况。ATMS则是从学术的角度对起因、形成的过程、影响及解决办法进行了分析和阐述。


了解和分析金融危机最好的一本读物。唯一一颗星扣在了政治倾向上。作为一个民主党议员,自由派的倾向非常明显。在发生危机的时候强调政府的调控,对保守派的Moral Hazard担忧嗤之以鼻


Too big to fail讲故事,这本是postmortem,08的金融危机为什么会发生,采取的措施是不是有效?最有意思的是backlash一章,作者很不要看奥巴马。


了解和分析金融危机最好的一本读物。唯一一颗星扣在了政治倾向上。作为一个民主党议员,自由派的倾向非常明显。在发生危机的时候强调政府的调控,对保守派的Moral Hazard担忧嗤之以鼻

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After the Music Stopped 在线电子书 图书描述

One of our wisest and most clear-eyed economic thinkers offers a masterful narrative of the crisis and its lessons

Many fine books on the financial crisis were first drafts of history—books written to fill the need for immediate understanding. Alan S. Blinder, esteemed Princeton professor, Wall Street Journal columnist, and former deputy chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, held off, taking the time to understand the crisis and to think his way through to a truly comprehensive and coherent narrative of how the worst economic crisis in postwar American history happened, what the government did to fight it, and what we can do from here—mired as we still are in its wreckage.

With bracing clarity, Blinder shows us how the U.S. financial system, which had grown far too complex for its own good—and too unregulated for the public good—experienced a perfect storm beginning in 2007. Things started unraveling when the much-chronicled housing bubble burst, but the ensuing implosion of what Blinder calls the “bond bubble” was larger and more devastating. Some people think of the financial industry as a sideshow with little relevance to the real economy—where the jobs, factories, and shops are. But finance is more like the circulatory system of the economic body: if the blood stops flowing, the body goes into cardiac arrest. When America’s financial structure crumbled, the damage proved to be not only deep, but wide. It took the crisis for the world to discover, to its horror, just how truly interconnected—and fragile—the global financial system is. Some observers argue that large global forces were the major culprits of the crisis. Blinder disagrees, arguing that the problem started in the U.S. and was pushed abroad, as complex, opaque, and overrated investment products were exported to a hungry world, which was nearly poisoned by them.

The second part of the story explains how American and international government intervention kept us from a total meltdown. Many of the U.S. government’s actions, particularly the Fed’s, were previously unimaginable. And to an amazing—and certainly misunderstood—extent, they worked. The worst did not happen. Blinder offers clear-eyed answers to the questions still before us, even if some of the choices ahead are as divisive as they are unavoidable. After the Music Stopped is an essential history that we cannot afford to forget, because one thing history teaches is that it will happen again.

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强力推荐给有一定宏观经济学基础知识、且对金融危机有一定了解的专业人士。和《大而不倒》这样趣味性更强、试图还原决策过程的书不同,这本经济学家的著作显然更深入,当然相对也较为枯燥一些。 作为受尊敬的知名经济学家,Blinder行文严谨,让事实说话,举例子又比较浅显易懂...  


文/严杰夫 美国司法部部长8月21日宣布,已与美国银行达成一项总价166亿美元的和解协议,以终结针对后者违规出售住房贷款抵押证券的调查。尽管这张“史上最贵罚单”相当于过去三年美国银行的盈利总和,但还算是划算的“买卖”。此前,摩根大通和花旗银行达成的和解协议的罚款额...  


春节前夕,把《当音乐停止之后:金融危机、应对策略及未来的世界》仔细看了一遍,加上08年读的《贪婪、欺诈和无知——美国次贷危机的真相》,还有电影《inside job》和《too big to fail》,正好从不同角度不同立场分别讲述了不同人们眼中的次贷危机真相。 先说说《贪婪、...  



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