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Failing Law Schools

Brian Z. Tamanaha 作者
University Of Chicago Press
2012-6-15 出版日期
216 頁數
USD 25.00 價格
9780226923611 圖書編碼

Failing Law Schools 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 法律司法  JD   

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Failing Law Schools 在線電子書 用戶評價


【Chicago Series in Law and Society係列】Tamanaha的通俗作品,從法學院教育資源、考試、社會經濟及市場需求等幾個方麵來探討美國法學院衰落之原因。大多是粗綫條的數據分析,第一、三部分討論法學院的人員輸齣及評價體係,對於嘗試進入美國法學院的人來說,或許有一定的指導。最有價值的是第二部分對法學教育年限、教學方式及教授工作的討論。培養目的的偏離、學術産齣與實踐的脫節等問題,無不在中國也同樣發生。


Law professors have the best job in the world: work limit 8 hours a week, make around 300000 dollars a year. Law schools are operated to serve the professors and the law students have to pay for the skyrocketing tuitions. It's wise to shift from elite education to a public one.


【Chicago Series in Law and Society係列】Tamanaha的通俗作品,從法學院教育資源、考試、社會經濟及市場需求等幾個方麵來探討美國法學院衰落之原因。大多是粗綫條的數據分析,第一、三部分討論法學院的人員輸齣及評價體係,對於嘗試進入美國法學院的人來說,或許有一定的指導。最有價值的是第二部分對法學教育年限、教學方式及教授工作的討論。培養目的的偏離、學術産齣與實踐的脫節等問題,無不在中國也同樣發生。


Law professors have the best job in the world: work limit 8 hours a week, make around 300000 dollars a year. Law schools are operated to serve the professors and the law students have to pay for the skyrocketing tuitions. It's wise to shift from elite education to a public one.


Law professors have the best job in the world: work limit 8 hours a week, make around 300000 dollars a year. Law schools are operated to serve the professors and the law students have to pay for the skyrocketing tuitions. It's wise to shift from elite education to a public one.

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Failing Law Schools 在線電子書 圖書描述

On the surface, law schools today are thriving. Enrollments are on the rise, and their resources are often the envy of every other university department. Yet behind the flourishing facade, law schools are failing abjectly. Recent front-page stories have detailed widespread dubious practices, misleading placement reports, and the fundamental failure to prepare graduates to enter the profession. Addressing all these problems and more in a ringing critique is renowned legal scholar Brian Z. Tamanaha. Piece by piece, Tamanaha lays out the how and why of the crisis and the likely consequences if the current trend continues. At the heart of the problem, he argues, are the economic demands and competitive pressures on law schools - driven by competition over U.S. News and World Report ranking. When paired with a lack of regulatory oversight, the work environment of professors, the limited information available to prospective students, and loan-based tuition financing, the result is a system that is fundamentally unsustainable. With "Failing Law Schools", Tamanaha has provided the perfect resource for assessing what's wrong with law schools and figuring out how to fix them.

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