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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

J. K. Rowling 作者
Scholastic Paperbacks
2004-8 出版日期
870 頁數
95.0 價格
9780439358071 圖書編碼

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 在線電子書 圖書標籤: J.K.Rowling  小說  魔幻  英國  哈利波特  英文原版  奇幻  HarryPotter   

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太長瞭,,,, 太陰暗瞭,,,哭死瞭



Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 在線電子書 著者簡介

J. K. 羅琳(J. K. Rowling, 1965- ),英國女作傢,自小喜歡寫作,當過短時間的教師和秘書。二十四歲那年,她在前往倫敦的火車旅途中萌生瞭創作“哈利·波特”係列小說的念頭。七年後,《哈利·波特與魔法石》問世,之後她陸續創作瞭《哈利·波特與密室》《哈利·波特與阿茲卡班囚徒》《哈利·波特與火焰杯》《哈利-波特與鳳凰社》《哈利·波特與“混血王子”》和《哈利·波特與死亡聖器》,完成瞭該係列的創作,在全球颳起一股股“哈利·波特”颶風,在世界範圍內掀起規模宏大的“哈利·波特”閱讀狂潮。另外,在此期間,她還因為慈善事業而先後完成瞭《神奇動物在哪裏》和《神奇的魁地奇球》這兩部與“哈利·波特”係列相關的圖書,最新完成的作品是《詩翁彼豆故事集》。


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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 在線電子書 圖書描述

In his fifth year at Hogwart's, 15-year-old Harry faces challenges at every turn, from the dark threat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to the rise of Ron Weasley as the keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. Illustrations.


As his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry approaches, 15-year-old Harry Potter is in full-blown adolescence, complete with regular outbursts of rage, a nearly debilitating crush, and the blooming of a powerful sense of rebellion. It's been yet another infuriating and boring summer with the despicable Dursleys, this time with minimal contact from our hero's non-Muggle friends from school. Harry is feeling especially edgy at the lack of news from the magic world, wondering when the freshly revived evil Lord Voldemort will strike. Returning to Hogwarts will be a relief... or will it?

The fifth book in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series follows the darkest year yet for our young wizard, who finds himself knocked down a peg or three after the events of last year. Somehow, over the summer, gossip (usually traced back to the magic world's newspaper, the Daily Prophet) has turned Harry's tragic and heroic encounter with Voldemort at the Triwizard Tournament into an excuse to ridicule and discount the teen. Even Professor Dumbledore, headmaster of the school, has come under scrutiny by the Ministry of Magic, which refuses to officially acknowledge the terrifying truth that Voldemort is back. Enter a particularly loathsome new character: the toadlike and simpering ("hem, hem") Dolores Umbridge, senior undersecretary to the Minister of Magic, who takes over the vacant position of Defense Against Dark Arts teacher--and in no time manages to become the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts, as well. Life isn't getting any easier for Harry Potter. With an overwhelming course load as the fifth years prepare for their Ordinary Wizarding Levels examinations (O.W.Ls), devastating changes in the Gryffindor Quidditch team lineup, vivid dreams about long hallways and closed doors, and increasing pain in his lightning-shaped scar, Harry's resilience is sorely tested.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, more than any of the four previous novels in the series, is a coming-of-age story. Harry faces the thorny transition into adulthood, when adult heroes are revealed to be fallible, and matters that seemed black-and-white suddenly come out in shades of gray. Gone is the wide-eyed innocent, the whiz kid of Sorcerer's Stone. Here we have an adolescent who's sometimes sullen, often confused (especially about girls), and always self-questioning. Confronting death again, as well as a startling prophecy, Harry ends his year at Hogwarts exhausted and pensive. Readers, on the other hand, will be energized as they enter yet again the long waiting period for the next title in the marvelous, magical series. (Ages 9 and older)

                           --Emilie Coulter

From School Library Journal

Grade 4 Up-Harry has just returned to Hogwarts after a lonely summer. Dumbledore is uncommunicative and most of the students seem to think Harry is either conceited or crazy for insisting that Voldemort is back and as evil as ever. Angry, scared, and unable to confide in his godfather, Sirius, the teen wizard lashes out at his friends and enemies alike. The head of the Ministry of Magic is determined to discredit Dumbledore and undermine his leadership of Hogwarts, and he appoints nasty, pink-cardigan-clad Professor Umbridge as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and High Inquisitor of the school, bringing misery upon staff and students alike. This bureaucratic nightmare, added to Harry's certain knowledge that Voldemort is becoming more powerful, creates a desperate, Kafkaesque feeling during Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts. The adults all seem evil, misguided, or simply powerless, so the students must take matters into their own hands. Harry's confusion about his godfather and father, and his apparent rejection by Dumbledore make him question his own motives and the condition of his soul. Also, Harry is now 15, and the hormones are beginning to kick in. There are a lot of secret doings, a little romance, and very little Quidditch or Hagrid (more reasons for Harry's gloom), but the power of this book comes from the young magician's struggles with his emotions and identity. Particularly moving is the unveiling, after a final devastating tragedy, of Dumbledore's very strong feelings of attachment and responsibility toward Harry. Children will enjoy the magic and the Hogwarts mystique, and young adult readers will find a rich and compelling coming-of-age story as well.

                           Eva Mitnick, Los Angeles Public Library

Book Dimension

Height (mm) 194           Width (mm) 134



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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 在線電子書 讀後感


我看着上面巨大的标题,评论哈里波特与凤凰社,竟突然不知道要说什么,这些话是对自己说的,对过去的自己,和未来的自己。 我想说有你在的日子很好,你让我感到很温暖,无论什么时候,无论感到多么黑暗,都有你来给我带来阳光,无论在什么时候感到无助,都能听见你对我大声地...  


选角棒极了,小姑娘波浪状金色齐腰长发,紫色的上衣,飘忽的嗓音,微笑的眼神,活脱脱一个魔法世界里的灵异人物。抿嘴微微一笑便让满片生辉。 比较难忘的是夜骐那一段,luna赤脚站在奇异白马旁转身向harry一笑,十分惊艳。随后夜骐展开翅膀嘶鸣,画面如此美丽,一如我幻想中...  



很多人不喜欢凤凰社, 压抑、阴郁、黑暗,整本书都在受气。 认不清现实的官方政府, 被奸佞统治的霍格沃兹, 恼羞成怒、强词夺理,站在最该公正的立场上为一己私欲颠倒黑白。 最依赖的避风港不再舒适,存在即心安的邓布利多不再万能,家园被吞噬的感觉比邪恶笼罩下大夏将倾的状...  


她是在第五部《凤凰社》中出场的。不得不提的是,这是一部失败的作品,至少在系列中是最不好的。 我想,她的出现应该是这本书里最亮丽的事了。 从开始到最后,她都是“疯姑娘”,从来就不为别人所接受。她的爸爸是唱唱反调的主编。一本大家认为相当垃圾的杂志。她相信那...  

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