One Up On Wall Street 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 投資 金融 investment PeterLynch finance 理財 股票 投資
One Up On Wall Street 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
評分PL最好的一本書 實實在在的給瞭一些投資哲學上的入門意見。寫的也很幽默。
評分excellent book! I'll try to memorise his way of analysing the financial statements. he's so generous of sharing his experience!
評分PL最好的一本書 實實在在的給瞭一些投資哲學上的入門意見。寫的也很幽默。
彼得·林奇一直以他的選股能力而著稱,他又一句名言:隻要用心對股票做一點點研究,普通投資者也能成為股票投資專傢,並且在選股方麵的成績能像華爾街的專傢一樣齣色。林奇說,對於外行人來說投資機會隨處可見。隻要仔細觀察一下商業的發展趨勢,留心一下周圍的世界,從購物中心到自己工作的地方,你就可以比專業分析人員更早地發現那些潛在的會大獲成功的公司。 約翰·羅瑟查爾德,在《時代》、《財富》、《價值》以及《紐約時報書評》等刊物上發錶過文章。他是Fool and His Money和Going for Broke兩本書的作者,也是Beating the Street 和Learn to Earn兩本書的閤著者。他目前居住在佛羅裏達州的邁阿密灘。
Book Description
Peter Lynch is America's number-one money manager. His mantra: Average investors can become experts in their own field and can pick winning stocks as effectively as Wall Street professionals by doing just a little research.
Now, in a new introduction written specifically for this edition of One Up on Wall Street, Lynch gives his take on the incredible rise of Internet stocks, as well as a list of twenty winning companies of high-tech '90s. That many of these winners are low-tech supports his thesis that amateur investors can continue to reap exceptional rewards from mundane, easy-to-understand companies they encounter in their daily lives.
Investment opportunities abound for the layperson, Lynch says. By simply observing business developments and taking notice of your immediate world -- from the mall to the workplace -- you can discover potentially successful companies before professional analysts do. This jump on the experts is what produces "tenbaggers," the stocks that appreciate tenfold or more and turn an average stock portfolio into a star performer.
The former star manager of Fidelity's multibillion-dollar Magellan Fund, Lynch reveals how he achieved his spectacular record. Writing with John Rothchild, Lynch offers easy-to-follow directions for sorting out the long shots from the no shots by reviewing a company's financial statements and by identifying which numbers really count. He explains how to stalk tenbaggers and lays out the guidelines for investing in cyclical, turnaround, and fast-growing companies.
Lynch promises that if you ignore the ups and downs of the market and the endless speculation about interest rates, in the long term (anywhere from five to fifteen years) your portfolio will reward you. This advice has proved to be timeless and has made One Up on Wall Street a number-one bestseller. And now this classic is as valuable in the new millennium as ever.
From Publishers Weekly
The authors argue that average investors can beat Wall Street professionals by using the information gleaned from everyday life. "Investors will be able to put the shrewd insights presented to good use," remarked PW. 200,000 first printing.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)20.6 width:(cm)14
内容:★★★★☆ 翻译:★★★★☆ 排印:★★★☆☆ 装帧:★★★☆☆ 佛教圈有一句话叫作:“真佛不言佛。”证道的人不会整天把佛挂在嘴边,倒是新接触佛教的人,逢人便说佛教的好处,并大力推荐——这是一种缺乏自信,需要借助外在力量来证明自己信仰的一种表现。 作为公认...
評分“要让广大中国老百姓共同分享中国改革开放的成果。” 扯淡!这是标准的没心没肝的股评师拉散户入市当炮灰的话述。这么扯淡的一句话居然会在不少主流媒体上广为传播,并让不少傻B当成奋勇杀进股市的护身符,本身就是一个相当扯淡的事情!! 中国改革开放的成果在...
評分2013年中国电影市场的火爆是令人惊叹的,并且这样的火爆不是靠洋鬼子来撑场面,而是本土电影的百花齐放。 人生如何才能变得富有?那就是不断买入资产。 很显然,电影票只是人生的费用,而只有去买电影背后的公司的股票,才能让你一边看电影一边赚钱。 ...
評分股票投资的盈利模式特别简单浅显,就与商业买卖一样,无论价值投资流、技术流、消息流,都是在一定的期间内通过低买高卖赚取差价。 这里我加了一个条件:一定的期间内。这个条件是相对每个投资者自身而言。譬如说,2007年你以149元(按当前复权价为65元)的价格买了中国平安的...
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