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Ender's Shadow (Ender, Book 5)

Orson Scott Card 作者
Tor Books
2000-12-15 出版日期
467 頁數
USD 7.99 價格
Mass Market Paperback
9780812575712 圖書編碼

Ender's Shadow (Ender, Book 5) 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 科幻  小說  Ender  英文  科幻小說  美國  安德係列  安德   

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Ender's Shadow (Ender, Book 5) 在線電子書 用戶評價




好看,但是和ender's game比起來,更壓抑瞭!用句特俗的話來說,Bean的命太苦瞭!!!哎,難以想象這是青少年讀物。


I felt sad, Bean was always trying very hard to survive. Even he was too young to reach that kind of peak level intelligence. But it doesn't do good to him. He was smart because of his miserable early life experience.





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Ender's Shadow (Ender, Book 5) 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Ender's Shadow (Ender, Book 5) 在線電子書 圖書描述

Orson Scott Card brings us back to the very beginning of his brilliant Ender Quartet, with a novel that allows us to reenter that world anew.With all the power of his original creation, Card has created a parallel volume to Ender's Game, a book that expands and compliments the first, enhancing its power, illuminating its events and its powerful conclusion.The human race is at War with the "Buggers", an insect-like alien race. The first battles went badly, and now as Earth prepares to defend itself against the imminent threat of total destruction at the hands of an inscrutable alien enemy, all focus is on the development and training of military geniuses who can fight such a war, and win.The long distances of interstellar space have given hope to the defenders of Earth--they have time to train these future commanders up from childhood, forging then into an irresisible force in the high orbital facility called the Battle School.Andrew "Ender" Wiggin was not the only child in the Battle School; he was just the best of the best. In this new book, card tells the story of another of those precocious generals, the one they called Bean--the one who became Ender's right hand, part of his team, in the final battle against the Buggers.Bean's past was a battle just to survive. He first appeared on the streets of Rotterdam, a tiny child with a mind leagues beyond anyone else's. He knew he could not survive through strength; he used his tactical genius to gain acceptance into a children's gang, and then to help make that gang a template for success for all the others. He civilized them, and lived to grow older.Bean's desperate struggle to live, and his success, brought him to the attention of the Battle School's recruiters, those people scouring the planet for leaders, tacticians, and generals to save Earth from the threat of alien invasion. Bean was sent into orbit, to the Battle School. And there he met Ender......

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Ender's Shadow (Ender, Book 5) 在線電子書 讀後感


印象中的科幻小说不是这样的! 《安德的影子》在最初的几页阅读中,就让我感觉到了这样的区别——故事与人物好像就是现实中应该有的,他们只是处于一个比2015年更未来的环境中,没有那么高深和四处充斥的坚硬科技感,亲切、自然,但绝不平庸。 故事是从流浪街头的两岁孩子开始...  


这本是以安德的副手、豆子的视角来讲述第一本《游戏》中的故事,不要觉得同一个内容没什么好讲的,作者非常厉害,全书无数的谜底和第一册没有提到的细节一一展现,依然能带给读者惊讶。 而豆子这个角色塑造得也相当成功。他出身坎坷,一岁多就流落街头,饿着肚子、生命没有保障...


这本是以安德的副手、豆子的视角来讲述第一本《游戏》中的故事,不要觉得同一个内容没什么好讲的,作者非常厉害,全书无数的谜底和第一册没有提到的细节一一展现,依然能带给读者惊讶。 而豆子这个角色塑造得也相当成功。他出身坎坷,一岁多就流落街头,饿着肚子、生命没有保障...



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