The Java(TM) Programming Language (3rd Edition) 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

The Java(TM) Programming Language (3rd Edition)

Ken Arnold 作者
Addison-Wesley Professional
2000-06-05 出版日期
704 頁數
USD 44.99 價格
9780201704334 圖書編碼

The Java(TM) Programming Language (3rd Edition) 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 計算機  1   

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The Java(TM) Programming Language (3rd Edition) 在線電子書 著者簡介

Ken Arnold 曾任 Sun 公司研究中心的高級工程師,是麵嚮對象設計與實現方麵首屈一指的專傢。他曾經是 Jini 技術的架構師之一、 Sun 公司 JavaSpaces 技術的首席工程師。

James Gosling 是 Sun 公司院士和該公司開發平颱組( Developer Platform Group )的 CTO 。他設計瞭 Java 程序設計語言,實現瞭最初的 Java 編譯器和虛擬機,最近他正緻力於 Java 實時規範( Real-Time Specification for Java )的相關工作。他是計算機界最受尊敬的程序員之一,曾榮獲 Software Development 雜誌評選的“程序設計傑齣大奬”(1996 年)。

David Holmes 是澳大利亞布裏斯班的 DLTech 公司的董事。他專攻同步與並發問題,是開發瞭最新的 Java 並發工具的 JSR-166 專傢組的成員。他還參與瞭 Java 實時規範的修訂工作,在過去的幾年中他一直緻力於該規範的實現工作。

The Java(TM) Programming Language (3rd Edition) 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Java(TM) Programming Language (3rd Edition) 在線電子書 圖書描述

Direct from the creators of the Java(tm) programming language, this Third Edition of The Java(tm) Programming Language is a valuable resource for both novice and advanced programmers. More than 100,000 developers who programmed with C, C++, Smalltalk, or other high-level languages have used this book to get a concise, intelligent, and deep understanding of the Java programming language. This book is what you need to understand the basic design goals of the language and the application of the language in real-world development. It provides unique insights into why and how the language was designed and intended to be used. The authors describe the latest version of the language, as defined in the Java(tm) Language Specification, Second Edition and implemented in version 1.3 of the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition. This third edition has been structured to give more in-depth treatment of the newer language features, as well as informative examples on using some of the new APIs. New and/or revised in this edition: more details on language features, including an expanded section on nested classes more comprehensive treatment of garbage collection and related programming issues coverage of new APIs, such as collections and internationalization Thoroughly revised from start to finish, this edition fully covers the features of the current release of the Java programming language and class libraries. The book serves as a tutorial introduction to the language and essential libraries as well as a reference. Experienced programmers will find this new edition to be a valuable reference, and will gain new insights into the subtleties of the language. Novice and intermediate programmers will benefit from the valuable examples and clear explanations of language and library features. Make sure you understand the contents of this book before you begin any serious development for the Java platform.

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The Java(TM) Programming Language (3rd Edition) 在線電子書 讀後感


Java之父James Gosling的作品。和《The C++ Programmling Language》一样,不适合新手入门。但是此书在Java社区中的地位貌似比不上《TCPL》在C++社区中的地位。 整本书上来先就先讲OOP,Class、Object、Interface、Inheritance等等,没有任何OOP基础的人读起来会被搞晕。讲完O...  


Java Programming Language应该是对Java语言本身描述最为准确的一本书了,因为里面例子并不完整,因此适合有一定水平的Java程序员阅读。


Java Programming Language应该是对Java语言本身描述最为准确的一本书了,因为里面例子并不完整,因此适合有一定水平的Java程序员阅读。


Java Programming Language应该是对Java语言本身描述最为准确的一本书了,因为里面例子并不完整,因此适合有一定水平的Java程序员阅读。


Java Programming Language应该是对Java语言本身描述最为准确的一本书了,因为里面例子并不完整,因此适合有一定水平的Java程序员阅读。

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The Java(TM) Programming Language (3rd Edition) 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025


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