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Warped Passages

Lisa Randall 作者
2005-09-01 出版日期
512 頁數
USD 27.95 價格
9780060531089 圖書編碼

Warped Passages 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 空間  理論物理  時空  physics  高維  物理  量子物理  超限   

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Warped Passages 在線電子書 著者簡介

 當今世界最權威的額外維度物理學傢,傑齣的理論物理學傢,粒子物理、弦理論和宇宙學專傢,《時代》雜誌“100名最有影響力人物”之一。

 普林斯頓大學物理係第一位女性終身教授,也是哈佛大學、麻省理工學院第一位女性理論物理終身教授。

 經過9年精心研究和無數次實驗,她提齣:我們的世界中存在一個人類看不到的第五維空間。她證實瞭靈魂確實存在,並稱有望在2012年嚮全人類莊嚴宣告靈魂存在的最權威科學證據。

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Warped Passages 在線電子書 圖書描述

The universe has its secrets. It may even hide extra dimensions, different from anything ever imagined. A whole raft of remarkable concepts now rides atop the scientific firmament, including parallel universes, warped geometry, and threedimensional sink-holes. We understand far more about the world than we did just a few short years ago -- and yet we are more uncertain about the true nature of the universe than ever before. Have we reached a point of scientific discovery so advanced that the laws of physics as we know them are simply not sufficient? Will we all soon have to accept explanations that previously remained in the realm of science fiction? Lisa Randall is herself making these extraordinary breakthroughs, pushing back the boundaries of science in her research to answer some of the most fundamental questions posed by Nature. For example, why is the gravitational field from the entire Earth so defenseless against the small tug of a tiny magnet? Searching for answers to such seemingly irresolvable questions has led physicists to postulate extra dimensions, the presence of which may lead to unimaginable gains in scientific understanding. Randall takes us into the incredible world of warped, hidden dimensions that underpin the universe we live in, describing how we might prove their existence, while examining the questions that they still leave unanswered. Warped Passages provides an exhilarating overview that tracks the arc of discovery from early twentieth-century physics to the razor's edge of today's particle physics and string theory, unweaving the current debates about relativity, quantum mechanics, and gravity. In a highly readable style sure to entertain and elucidate, Lisa Randall demystifies the science and beguilingly unravels the mysteries of the myriad worlds that may exist just beyond the one we are only now beginning to know.

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