TIMELINE 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024


Crichton, Michael 作者
1999-1 出版日期
512 頁數
74.00元 價格
9780099244721 圖書編碼

TIMELINE 在線電子書 圖書標籤: Crichton  science  fiction  English_Edition   

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TIMELINE 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

TIMELINE 在線電子書 用戶評價


我希望Marek和Lady Claire的故事能跟電影裏一樣稍微能浪漫一點就好瞭。Lady Claire讓人失望,根本不迷人。把Doniger送迴1348年經曆黑死病的結局,太不閤情理瞭,這不是赤裸裸的謀殺麼


某次聊天的時候朋友推薦的這本書,說對於瞭解歐洲中世紀的文化/建築啥的有幫助。好吧,確實。迴去37個小時一直都在各種逃亡。。所以那個時候的生活方式大概就是"To live and love, constantly on the edge, with desease and starvation and death and killing"吧。在比國的時候,CITY PARK裏麵有一段殘存的城牆和小古堡的遺跡。每次走過的時候都會想腳下的土地不知道被鮮血浸染過多少次瞭。曆史真是血淋淋的有趣。


我希望Marek和Lady Claire的故事能跟電影裏一樣稍微能浪漫一點就好瞭。Lady Claire讓人失望,根本不迷人。把Doniger送迴1348年經曆黑死病的結局,太不閤情理瞭,這不是赤裸裸的謀殺麼


某次聊天的時候朋友推薦的這本書,說對於瞭解歐洲中世紀的文化/建築啥的有幫助。好吧,確實。迴去37個小時一直都在各種逃亡。。所以那個時候的生活方式大概就是"To live and love, constantly on the edge, with desease and starvation and death and killing"吧。在比國的時候,CITY PARK裏麵有一段殘存的城牆和小古堡的遺跡。每次走過的時候都會想腳下的土地不知道被鮮血浸染過多少次瞭。曆史真是血淋淋的有趣。


某次聊天的時候朋友推薦的這本書,說對於瞭解歐洲中世紀的文化/建築啥的有幫助。好吧,確實。迴去37個小時一直都在各種逃亡。。所以那個時候的生活方式大概就是"To live and love, constantly on the edge, with desease and starvation and death and killing"吧。在比國的時候,CITY PARK裏麵有一段殘存的城牆和小古堡的遺跡。每次走過的時候都會想腳下的土地不知道被鮮血浸染過多少次瞭。曆史真是血淋淋的有趣。

TIMELINE 在線電子書 著者簡介

TIMELINE 在線電子書 著者簡介

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TIMELINE 在線電子書 圖書描述

An old man wearing a brown robe is found wandering disoriented in the Arizona desert. He is miles from any human habitation and has no memory of how he got to be there, or who he is. The only clue to his identity is the plan of a medieval monastery in his pocket. So begins the mystery of Timeline, a mystery that will catapult a group of young scientists back to the Middle Ages and into the heart of the Hundred Years' War. Imagine the risks of such a journey. Imagine the impossible.

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TIMELINE 在線電子書 讀後感


终于把那本近450页的书读完了,而且开面还稍稍大一点。故事很好,细节精确。我在看的时候长吁短叹,觉得有很多话想写,看完之后却不知道从何写起。 ————————我是分隔线—————— 那么就开始把书和电影作比较吧。 可能我先看这本书然后在很短的时间之后马上看电影的...  


Best "Sci-Fi" I've ever read. Michael had authored a story that is just full of fun, thrills and knowledge that you couldn't have learn that easy. I read this novel almost 7 years ago and have re-read it for 3 times yet I still get lots of fun from it. T...


Best "Sci-Fi" I've ever read. Michael had authored a story that is just full of fun, thrills and knowledge that you couldn't have learn that easy. I read this novel almost 7 years ago and have re-read it for 3 times yet I still get lots of fun from it. T...


终于把那本近450页的书读完了,而且开面还稍稍大一点。故事很好,细节精确。我在看的时候长吁短叹,觉得有很多话想写,看完之后却不知道从何写起。 ————————我是分隔线—————— 那么就开始把书和电影作比较吧。 可能我先看这本书然后在很短的时间之后马上看电影的...  


Best "Sci-Fi" I've ever read. Michael had authored a story that is just full of fun, thrills and knowledge that you couldn't have learn that easy. I read this novel almost 7 years ago and have re-read it for 3 times yet I still get lots of fun from it. T...

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