The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr. 在线电子书 图书标签: 传记 英文原版 马丁·路德·金 美国
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr. 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
"I want you to say that I tried to love and serve humanity." Julian Casablancas推荐的书。他去年在墨西哥演出时穿的也是件MLK的T恤。
评分Bear the cross.
评分He was also a great writer.
◆ 1929年1月15日出生于美国南方佐治亚州,亚特兰大,父亲是一位教会牧师。
◆ 1948年获得莫尔豪斯大学学士学位。
◆ 1951年获得柯罗泽神学院学士学位。
◆ 1955年获得波士顿大学神学博士学位。
◆ 1954年成为亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利的德克斯特大街浸信会教堂的一位牧师。
◆ 1955年12月1日,发起蒙哥马利罢车运动,从此成为民权运动的领袖人。
◆ 1963年组织了争取黑人工作机会和自由权的华盛顿游行。
◆ 1964年被授予诺贝尔和平奖。
◆ 1968年4月4日,下榻于洛林汽车旅馆遇刺,结束了短暂而辉煌的一生。
◆ 1986年1月,美国政府规定每年1月的第三个星期一为马丁•路德•金纪念日,并定为法定假日,金也是唯一一位非美国总统又享有此殊荣的人。
Compiled from his own words, this history-making autobiography IS Martin Luther King: the mild-mannered, inquisitive child and student who rebelled against segregation; the dedicated young minister who constantly questioned the depths of his faith and the limits of his wisdom; the loving husband and father who sought to balance his family's needs with those of a growing nationwide movement; and the reflective, world-famous leader who was fired by a vision of equality for people everywhere. Relevant and insightful, this Autobiography offers King's seldom discussed views on some of the world's greatest and most controversial figures including John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Mahatma Gandhi and Richard Nixon. This book brings to life a remarkable man whose thoughts and actions speak to our most burning contemporary issues and still inspire our desires, hopes and dreams.
马丁·路德·金是我高中才得知,这么多年来,我越来越 欣赏他的品格。 这个时代,是诸神战争、礼崩乐坏的时代,信仰本身不是过错,但是偏执于信仰,并且狂热为之践踏法律、人权,诉诸暴力手段,自以为运用暴力在为一个 终极真理服务的时候,那么这样 的原教旨主义,铺就了通...
评分Just two weeks ago, Martin Luther King was still a great man whose photograph I could recognize on the corridor wall of school, whose speech I could recite fragmentarily and still by the Chinese version. Just two weeks ago, I was just a girl in the millions...
评分无论是从梭罗开始的因反对奴隶制而采取的不纳税运动, 还是甘地从南非开始实践的废除种族隔离以及在印度为争取独立的非暴力不合作运动, 马丁路德金的以爱为名的非暴力积极抵制运动, 还有曼德拉的, 基本上都是在英美法治体系内开展的, 因为这一体制在宪法上规定了人人生...
评分Just two weeks ago, Martin Luther King was still a great man whose photograph I could recognize on the corridor wall of school, whose speech I could recite fragmentarily and still by the Chinese version. Just two weeks ago, I was just a girl in the millions...
评分Just two weeks ago, Martin Luther King was still a great man whose photograph I could recognize on the corridor wall of school, whose speech I could recite fragmentarily and still by the Chinese version. Just two weeks ago, I was just a girl in the millions...
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr. 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025