Mies van der Rohe 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024

Mies van der Rohe

Mies Van Der Rohe 作者
Museum of Modern Art
2002-07-15 出版日期
0 页数
USD 70.00 价格
9780870700187 图书编码

Mies van der Rohe 在线电子书 图书标签: 建筑  Mies_van_der_Rohe  Mies  建筑史  密斯  MiesVanDerRohe  异文  密斯•凡•德•罗   

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Mies van der Rohe 在线电子书 图书描述

This in-depth look at Mies van der Rohe's early career is the first to examine the architect's work in Europe in terms of specific historical and cultural context, rather than the more abstract and formal arguments of the International Style. While earlier studies have described a fundamental break between Mies's neo-classical work prior to 1919 and the more avant-garde work of the 1920s, recent research demonstrates that the transformation was much more gradual. Here 11 scholars and architectural historians explore particular aspects of Mies's work, together shedding new light on the continual interplay of tradition and innovation, nature and abstraction, in the evolution of his design theories and methods. With a wealth of photographs and drawings, many not previously published, this book conveys for the first time the dynamic intellectual ferment of this formative period in the life of one of architecture's towering figures. Published to accompany a groundbreaking 2001 exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Essays by Barry Bergdoll, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Detlef Mertins, Wolf Tegethoff, Fritz Neumeyer, Jan Maruhn, Andres Lepik, Wallis Miller, Rosemarie Haag Bletter and Jean-Louis Cohen and Terence Riley.

Introduction by Terence Riley.

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Mies van der Rohe 在线电子书 读后感


买书的时候,请务必一起买。当时我的论文就是比较mies in berlin 和mies in america来论述,moderism 向international style的转变。ism变style。理想变现实。很公道的价格。值得一买。


买书的时候,请务必一起买。当时我的论文就是比较mies in berlin 和mies in america来论述,moderism 向international style的转变。ism变style。理想变现实。很公道的价格。值得一买。


买书的时候,请务必一起买。当时我的论文就是比较mies in berlin 和mies in america来论述,moderism 向international style的转变。ism变style。理想变现实。很公道的价格。值得一买。


买书的时候,请务必一起买。当时我的论文就是比较mies in berlin 和mies in america来论述,moderism 向international style的转变。ism变style。理想变现实。很公道的价格。值得一买。


买书的时候,请务必一起买。当时我的论文就是比较mies in berlin 和mies in america来论述,moderism 向international style的转变。ism变style。理想变现实。很公道的价格。值得一买。

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