Practical Psychoanalysis for Therapists and Patients 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

Practical Psychoanalysis for Therapists and Patients

Owen Renik 作者
Other Press
2006-09-05 出版日期
192 頁數
USD 24.00 價格
9781590512371 圖書編碼

Practical Psychoanalysis for Therapists and Patients 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 心理學  textbook   

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Dr. Owen Renik, 根正苗紅的精神分析師,曾任The Psychoanalytic Quarterly總編十餘年,對精神分析理論各種高大上拗口理論術語手到擒來,卻寫瞭這樣一本對精神分析愛之深責之切的淺顯易懂的書,真棒!


“The best safeguard against infringing upon a patient’s autonomy is for an analyst to acknowledge the highly personal nature of his or her participation in the treatment so that the patient feels free to evaluate the analyst’s contributions for what they are”


“The best safeguard against infringing upon a patient’s autonomy is for an analyst to acknowledge the highly personal nature of his or her participation in the treatment so that the patient feels free to evaluate the analyst’s contributions for what they are”


Dr. Owen Renik, 根正苗紅的精神分析師,曾任The Psychoanalytic Quarterly總編十餘年,對精神分析理論各種高大上拗口理論術語手到擒來,卻寫瞭這樣一本對精神分析愛之深責之切的淺顯易懂的書,真棒!


“The best safeguard against infringing upon a patient’s autonomy is for an analyst to acknowledge the highly personal nature of his or her participation in the treatment so that the patient feels free to evaluate the analyst’s contributions for what they are”

Practical Psychoanalysis for Therapists and Patients 在線電子書 著者簡介

Practical Psychoanalysis for Therapists and Patients 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Practical Psychoanalysis for Therapists and Patients 在線電子書 圖書描述

A clear and readable manual for results-oriented psychoanalysis.

In this essential new book, Owen Renik describes how clinical psychoanalysis can focus on symptom relief and deliver results efficiently. With a humane, direct, and engaging voice, he takes up how to begin treatment, how to end it, and how to deal with the in-between. He offers chapters on the therapy of panic attacks and depersonalization, on how to get out of an impasse, on the relation between sexual desire and power in the analytic relationship, on patients who seem to want to sabotage their treatments, on flying blind as an analyst, and on a number of other intriguing, important practical topics.

Renik's down-to-earth presentation and discussion of clinical anecdotes, combined with useful recommendations for both analyst and patient, amounts to a clear and readable how-to manual. The book is intended for all mental health caregivers, patients and potential patients, and for anyone who is curious about what makes for effective, helpful psychotherapy.

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