Batman: Arkham Asylum 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Grant Morrison 作者
DC Comics
2005-11-1 出版日期
216 頁數
USD 17.99 價格
9781401204259 圖書編碼

Batman: Arkham Asylum 在線電子書 圖書標籤: DC  漫畫  Batman  蝙蝠俠  歐美漫畫  美漫  美國  GrantMorrison   

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Batman: Arkham Asylum 在線電子書 用戶評價






this is just so impeccably done... I am awestruck


"Sometimes it's only madness that makes us what we are." 小醜玩笑式的愚人節把戲意在揭示蝙蝠異裝癖下的性睏惑?? Orz. 80'年代作為新人的Grant Morrison給漫畫界帶來不小衝擊...大量引用Anthony Perkins電影颱詞,並且摯愛O Lucky Man! (兩眼放光)



Batman: Arkham Asylum 在線電子書 著者簡介

Grant Morrison has been working with DC Comics for more than twenty years, beginning with his legendary runs on the revolutionary titles ANIMAL MAN and DOOM PATROL. Since then he has written numerous best-sellers — including JLA, BATMAN and New X-Men — as well as the critically acclaimed creator-owned series THE INVISIBLES, SEAGUY, THE FILTH, WE3 and JOE THE BARBARIAN. Morrison has also expanded the borders of the DC Universe in the award-winning pages of SEVEN SOLDIERS, ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, FINAL CRISIS and BATMAN, INC., and he is currently reinventing the Man of Steel in the all-new ACTION COMICS.

In his secret identity, Morrison is a “counterculture” spokesperson, a musician, an award-winning playwright and a chaos magician. He is also the author of the New York Times best-seller Supergods, a groundbreaking psycho-historic mapping of the superhero as a cultural organism. He divides his time between his homes in Los Angeles and Scotland.

Batman: Arkham Asylum 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Batman: Arkham Asylum 在線電子書 圖書描述

The inmates of Arkham Asylum have taken over Gotham's detention center for the criminally insane on April Fool's Day, demanding Batman in exchange for their hostages. Accepting their demented challenge, Batman is forced to endure the personal hells of the Joker, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Two-Face and many other sworn enemies in order to save the innocents and retake the prison. During his run through this absurd gauntlet, the Dark Knight's must face down both his most dangerous foes and his inner demons.This is the critically acclaimed Batman story that helped launch the U.S. careers of Grant Morrison and Dave McKean. The classic confrontation between the Dark Knight and his archnemeses, this story is well known for its psychological intensity and probing portraits of Batman and the Joker.ARKHAM ASYLUM includes groundbreaking art that influenced scores of artists by introducing a new school of storytelling and technique to comics. This special edition also includes Morrison's complete original script, annotated by Morrison and editor Karen Berger, many of his original thumbnail breakdowns, step-by-step samples of how the story and art came together and much more.

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