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Locked Rooms

Laurie R. King 作者
2006-3 出版日期
528 頁數
59.00元 價格
9780553583410 圖書編碼

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Locked Rooms 在線電子書 著者簡介

勞拉.金(Laurie R. King),齣生於1952年,美國著名推理小說傢,著作數十部,部部暢銷,其中“瑪麗•羅素與大偵探福爾摩斯”係列令其聲名遠播。


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Locked Rooms 在線電子書 圖書描述

Mary Russell and her husband Sherlock Holmes are back in Laurie R. King’s highly acclaimed New York Times bestselling mystery series. And this time the first couple of detection pair up to unlock the buried memory of a shocking crime with the power to kill again–lost somewhere in Russell’s own past.

After departing Bombay by ship, Mary Russell and her husband Sherlock Holmes are en route to the bustling modern city of San Francisco. There, Mary will settle some legal affairs surrounding the inheritance of her family’s old estate. But the closer they get to port, the more Mary finds herself prey to troubling dreams and irrational behavior–a point not lost on Holmes, much to Russell’s annoyance.

In 1906, when Mary was six, San Francisco was devastated by an earthquake and a raging fire that reduced the city to rubble. For years, Mary has denied any memory of the catastrophe that for days turned the fabled streets into hell on earth. But Holmes suspects that some hidden trauma connected with the “unforgettable” catastrophe may be the real culprit responsible for Mary’s memory lapse. And no sooner do they begin to familiarize themselves with the particulars of the Russell estate than it becomes apparent that whatever unpleasantness Mary has forgotten, it hasn’t forgotten her. Why does her father’s will forbid access to the house except in the presence of immediate family? Why did someone break in, then take nothing of any value? And why is Russell herself targeted for assassination?

The more questions they ask of Mary’s past, the more people from that past turn out to have died violent, unexplained deaths. Now, with the aid of a hard-boiled young detective and crime writer named Hammett, Russell and Holmes find themselves embroiled in a mystery that leads them through the winding streets of Chinatown to the unspoken secrets of a parent’s marriage and the tragic car “accident” that a fourteen-year-old Mary alone survived–an accident that may not have been an accident at all. What Russell is about to discover is that even a forgotten past never dies…and it can kill again.

From the Hardcover edition.

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Locked Rooms 在線電子書 讀後感


这是我第一次读劳拉·金笔下的福尔摩斯,也是第一次得知大侦探福尔摩斯有了妻子:玛丽·罗素。以往读的都是柯南·道尔的笔下的福尔摩斯,我记忆特别深刻的一件事就是柯南·道尔把福尔摩斯写死了的时候,招来无数福尔摩斯迷的抗议,只到他不得已又让福尔摩斯“复活”。 我想,劳...  




首先声明,我作为侦探推理忠实粉,深受剧透党祸害,自然不会透露本书核心内容,请放心。 道尔笔下的福尔摩斯在无数经典的案件中,给世人留下了教科书式的经典侦探教程之后却退隐山林当起养蜂人,让我们无限遗憾。我希望福尔摩斯能像名侦探柯南上不完的小学一年级...  


梦境的谜团 夏洛克·福尔摩斯,侦探的经典形象,性情冷漠、孤僻,虽然对结交朋友并不在意但很珍重友谊,坚持已见,但也不乏幽默感,自己承认热衷于恶作剧,喜欢以出人意料的方式揭开案件谜底,平日里冷静、不易动感情,自负有时接近狂妄。福尔摩斯在《四个签名》中说:“爱情是...  



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