Plato the Myth Maker 在线电子书 图书标签: 希腊 哲学 古典学
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Luc Brisson:1946年出生,法国国家科学研究院CNRS主任研究员,法国柏拉图哲学研究领域最负盛名的学者,也被誉为在世的最伟大的柏拉图和柏拉图主义研究学者。组织了法语柏拉图全集和普罗提诺全集的翻译,翻译了柏拉图对话(逾二十部)以及普罗提诺《九章集》诸多章节法语译本,著有《柏拉图<蒂迈欧>本体论结构中的同与异》(Le même et l'autre dans la structure ontologique du Timée de Platon),《柏拉图:语词与神话》(Platon, les mots et les mythes)《古希腊罗马时期不确定的性别》(Le sexe incertain)等,他还主编了“国际柏拉图研究系列”(International Plato Studies)和“柏拉图研究文献汇编”(Platonic Bibliography)。他是国际柏拉图协会IPS(主要组织者之一,长期担任副主席,2016-2019年轮值主席;同时兼任国际新柏拉图主义研究协会(International Society for Neoplatonic Studies,即ISNS常务理事。个人主页
The word myth is commonly thought to mean a fictional story, but few know that Plato was the first to use the term muthos in that sense. He also used muthos to describe the practice of making and telling stories, the oral transmission of all that a community keeps in its collective memory. In the first part of Plato the Myth Maker, Luc Brisson reconstructs Plato's multifaceted description of muthos in light of the latter's Atlantis story. The second part of the book contrasts this sense of myth with another form of speech that Plato believed was far superior: the logos of philosophy.
Gerard Naddaf's substantial introduction shows the originality and importance both of Brisson's method and of Plato's analysis and places it in the context of contemporary debates over the origin and evolution of the oral tradition.
"[Brisson] contrasts muthos with the logos found at the heart of the philosophical reading. [He] does an excellent job of analyzing Plato's use of the two speech forms, and the translator's introduction does considerable service in setting the tone."--Library Journal
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