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Tibet Wild

George B. Schaller 作者
Island Press
2012-10 出版日期
384 頁數
USD 29.95 價格
9781610911726 圖書編碼

Tibet Wild 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 自然文學  西藏  社會  《我不要你死於一事無成:給女兒的17封告彆信》  Tibetology  Schaller  Nature  Literature   

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Tibet Wild 在線電子書 用戶評價


作者有個德國外交官爸爸,在芝加哥認識瞭美國媽媽。小時候住比利時被當敵國小孩,在德國被當間諜小孩,14歲開始在St Louis鄉下上米國高中幾乎講不瞭幾句英語被當啞巴&傻瓜。原來西藏有棕熊。都說羌塘荒涼,其實隻是人少,野生動物比米國的西南地區多多瞭


一個動物學傢的人文筆記 如何可持續地推動動物保護工作


作者有個德國外交官爸爸,在芝加哥認識瞭美國媽媽。小時候住比利時被當敵國小孩,在德國被當間諜小孩,14歲開始在St Louis鄉下上米國高中幾乎講不瞭幾句英語被當啞巴&傻瓜。原來西藏有棕熊。都說羌塘荒涼,其實隻是人少,野生動物比米國的西南地區多多瞭


最喜歡第五章和第八章。“My wildlife articles and books have inspired some students to seek a life as naturalist……I believe that my greatest gift to a country is to leave behind trained nationals who will continue the fight to protect nature’s beauty. In this way my legacy of knowledge and spirit will flow onward long after I have ceased to be even a memory.”


作者有個德國外交官爸爸,在芝加哥認識瞭美國媽媽。小時候住比利時被當敵國小孩,在德國被當間諜小孩,14歲開始在St Louis鄉下上米國高中幾乎講不瞭幾句英語被當啞巴&傻瓜。原來西藏有棕熊。都說羌塘荒涼,其實隻是人少,野生動物比米國的西南地區多多瞭

Tibet Wild 在線電子書 著者簡介


譯者 黃悅,曾任美國《國傢地理》及BBC專題片的翻譯及校審。

Tibet Wild 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Tibet Wild 在線電子書 圖書描述

As one of the world’s leading field biologists, George Schaller has spent much of his life traversing wild and isolated places in his quest to understand and conserve threatened species—from mountain gorillas in the Virunga to pandas in the Wolong and snow leopards in the Himalaya. Throughout his celebrated career, Schaller has spent more time in Tibet than in any other part of the world, devoting more than thirty years to the wildlife, culture, and landscapes that captured his heart and continue to compel him to protect them.

Tibet Wild is Schaller’s account of three decades of exploration in the most remote stretches of Tibet: the wide, sweeping rangelands of the Chang Tang and the hidden canyons and plunging ravines of the southeastern forests. As engaging as he is enlightening, Schaller illustrates the daily struggles of a field biologist trying to traverse the impenetrable Chang Tang, discover the calving grounds of the chiru or Tibetan antelope, and understand the movements of the enigmatic snow leopard.

As changes in the region accelerated over the years, with more roads, homes, and grazing livestock, Schaller watched the clash between wildlife and people become more common—and more destructive. Thus what began as a purely scientific endeavor became a mission: to work with local communities, regional leaders, and national governments to protect the unique ecological richness and culture of the Tibetan Plateau.

Whether tracking brown bears, penning fables about the tiny pika, or promoting a conservation preserve that spans the borders of four nations, Schaller has pursued his goal with a persistence and good humor that will inform and charm readers. Tibet Wild is an intimate journey through the changing wilderness of Tibet, guided by the careful gaze and unwavering passion of a life-long naturalist.

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Tibet Wild 在線電子書 讀後感


乔治.夏勒:严肃的科学家和忧郁的诗人 作者:佚名 去年下半年,我在出去旅游时碰到几位美国游客,为了锻炼自己蹩脚的英语,便跟他们东拉西扯地闲聊起来。闲话中,偶然提到乔治•夏勒博士,我说:他在做研究的时候是一位严肃的科学家,可当他提笔写作时,却成了一位忧郁的诗...  







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