Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart

Gordon Livingston 作者
Marlowe & Company
2004-10-19 出版日期
192 頁數
USD 18.00 價格
9781569244197 圖書編碼

Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 心理學  心理  英文原版  美國  生活  self  life  help   

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Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart 在線電子書 用戶評價


when I listened to the audio version, i feel ...


when I listened to the audio version, i feel ...


when I listened to the audio version, i feel ...


It took me a while to finish the whole book, not because of the volume but because of the randomly unrelated topics embedded in the 30 stories. Most of "the thirty true things you need to know now" we already know, but "highlight" in the short story in this way, still give me a refresh of some thoughts born in mind.



Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart 在線電子書 著者簡介

Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart 在線電子書 圖書描述

From a psychiatrist who has spent the past thirty years listening to other people's most intimate secrets and troubles—an eloquent, incisive, and deeply perceptive book about the things we all share—and which every one of us grapples with as we strive to make the most of the life we have left.

After service in Vietnam as a surgeon for the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in 1968-69, at the height of the war—Dr. Gordon Livingston returned to the U.S. and began work as a psychiatrist. In that capacity, he has listened to people talk about their lives—what works, what doesn't, and the limitless ways (most of them self-inflicted) that we have found to be unhappy. He is also a parent twice bereaved—in one thirteen-month period, he lost his eldest son to suicide, his youngest to leukemia.

Out of a lifetime of experience, Livingston has extracted thirty bedrock truths: We are what we do. Any relationship is under the control of the person who cares the least. The perfect is the enemy of the good. Only bad things happen quickly. Forgiveness is a form of letting go, but they are not the same thing. The statute of limitations has expired on most of our childhood traumas. Livingston illuminates these and twenty-four others in a series of carefully hewn, perfectly calibrated essays, many of which emphasize our closest relationships and the things that we do to impede or, less frequently, enhance them. Again and again, these essays underscore that "we are what we do," and that while there may be no escaping who we are, we also have the capacity to face loss, misfortune, and regret and to move beyond them—that it is not too late.

Full of things we may know but have not articulated to ourselves, Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart is a gentle and generous alternative to the trial-and-error learning that makes wisdom such an expensive commodity. For everyone who feels a sense of urgency that the clock ticks and still we aren't the person we'd like to be, it offers solace, guidance, and hope.

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Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart 在線電子書 讀後感


108 RMB   我以为是多厚的书 多好的书   原来 就二百页不到 纸张 一般   内容还没看!   它是第一本让我感受到 作者的每一个字 都是金子啊!


108 RMB   我以为是多厚的书 多好的书   原来 就二百页不到 纸张 一般   内容还没看!   它是第一本让我感受到 作者的每一个字 都是金子啊!


用了三天的时间,通读完Too Soon Old,Too Late Smart的稿件。 阅读的过程中,一直想把自己变成作者,变成G·戈登·利文斯顿,一个生在美国的、专业的心里咨询师,接触过无数忧郁症患者的案例,见证过悲欢离合,经历过大喜大悲,一个把什么都能看淡、看透的人。 他用自己专业的...  


108 RMB   我以为是多厚的书 多好的书   原来 就二百页不到 纸张 一般   内容还没看!   它是第一本让我感受到 作者的每一个字 都是金子啊!


用了三天的时间,通读完Too Soon Old,Too Late Smart的稿件。 阅读的过程中,一直想把自己变成作者,变成G·戈登·利文斯顿,一个生在美国的、专业的心里咨询师,接触过无数忧郁症患者的案例,见证过悲欢离合,经历过大喜大悲,一个把什么都能看淡、看透的人。 他用自己专业的...  

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