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Against Love

Laura Kipnis 作者
Pantheon Books
2003-8-1 出版日期
224 頁數
GBP 18.42 價格
9780375421891 圖書編碼

Against Love 在線電子書 圖書標籤: NY  美國@Laura_Kipnis  愛情  love  english  Original  Laurakinip  Laura   

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deconstruction of modern conception of love and individuality. 做學術,不就是為瞭終有一日可以寫一本這樣的書嗎. (一個想到的是有一天午飯跟social policy的大傢聊到底sex是不是應該變成社會福利


deconstruction of modern conception of love and individuality. 做學術,不就是為瞭終有一日可以寫一本這樣的書嗎. (一個想到的是有一天午飯跟social policy的大傢聊到底sex是不是應該變成社會福利


deconstruction of modern conception of love and individuality. 做學術,不就是為瞭終有一日可以寫一本這樣的書嗎. (一個想到的是有一天午飯跟social policy的大傢聊到底sex是不是應該變成社會福利


deconstruction of modern conception of love and individuality. 做學術,不就是為瞭終有一日可以寫一本這樣的書嗎. (一個想到的是有一天午飯跟social policy的大傢聊到底sex是不是應該變成社會福利


deconstruction of modern conception of love and individuality. 做學術,不就是為瞭終有一日可以寫一本這樣的書嗎. (一個想到的是有一天午飯跟social policy的大傢聊到底sex是不是應該變成社會福利

Against Love 在線電子書 著者簡介

Author Biography

Laura Kipnis is a professor of media studies at Northwestern University. She has received fellowships and grants from the Guggenheim Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts. She has published numerous essays and articles on sexual politics and contemporary culture both here and abroad.

Against Love 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Against Love 在線電子書 圖書描述

About this book

“Will all the adulterers in the room please stand up?” So begins Laura Kipnis’s profoundly provocative and waggish inquiry into our never-ending quest for lasting love, and its attendant issues of fidelity and betrayal. In the tradition of social critiques such as Christopher Lasch’s The Culture of Narcissism, Against Love keenly examines the meaning and cultural significance of adultery, arguing that perhaps the question concerns not only the private dilemma of whether or not to be faithful, but also the purpose of this much vaunted fidelity.

With a novelist’s eye for detail, psychological acuity, and linguistic panache, Kipnis at once humorously and seriously explores the rules and rituals of modern coupledom and domesticity (from the establishment of curfews and whereabouts to actual searches and seizures), even as she deftly analyzes the larger power structures that they serve. She wonders: Might adulterers be regarded not only as sexual renegades but as unwitting social theorists posing essential political questions about the social contract itself? What is the trade-off between personal gratification and the renunciations society demands of us? And is “working at your relationship” just another way of propping up the work ethicæas if we weren’t all overworked enough as it is? If adultery is ultimately a referendum on the sustainability of monogamy, how credible is the basic premise of modern coupledom: that desire for your one and only love can and will persist through a lifetime of togetherness (despite so much evidence to the contrary)?

Against Love offers no easy answers. Rather it intends to engage you in a commonsensical and brave examination of the plight of the modern personality, caught between the vicissitudes of desire and the decrees of social conformity.


“Laura Kipnis’s witty and cunning treatise against modern love is as trenchant and unexpected, as jubilantly incendiary a work of social criticism as I’ve read in years. It is an explosive pleasure.”

--Edward Hirsch

“Against Love is a wonderfully provocative book, daring and incisive, written with verve and no small amount of humor. It raises a thousand questions most of us lack the courage to ask, about domestic life and even the meaning of the human enterprise, while remaining at every instant a delight to read.”

--Scott Turow

“Deeply subversive, tough-minded, clear-thinking, provocative and shrewd, Against Love has the nerve to wonder out loud if marriage has evolved into an instrument of social control. Yet what’s so winning about Kipnis’s manifesto is its high-spirited lack of cynicism; she is not so much against love as for honesty.”

--James Atlas

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