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Unlimited Power

Anthony Robbins 作者
Pocket Books
2001-1-2 出版日期
448 頁數
USD 18.60 價格
9780743409391 圖書編碼

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Book Description


Yes, you can do, have, achieve, and create anything you want out of life. Anthony Robbins has proved it. Robbins, the undisputed master of the magic of mind power shows you in this audio program how to harness yours. He demonstrates -- passionately and eloquently -- that whatever you think will be, that your state of mind determines what you can and can't do, and that all successful results can be modeled and duplicated. His enthusiasm is contagious as he shows you how to:

* Reprogram your mind in minutes to eliminate fears and phobias

* Fuel your body with spectacular health and energy

* Dramatically improve your interpersonal relationships

* Become a persuasive communicator and create instant rapport with anyone you meet

* Use the success of others to remodel yourself

* Discover the five keys to wealth and happiness

* Master the ultimate success formula

Robbins calls Unlimited Power the new science of personal achievement. You'll call it the best thing that ever happened to you.

From Publishers Weekly

This is a comprehensive and intelligent success achievement program for setting and following through with personal and professional goals by the California behaviorist who popularized the method of "neurolinguistic programming" (NLP), or control of mind over body, culminating in his trainees' barefoot jaunt over hot coals. Essential to Robbins's "Ultimate Success Formula" are clarity of desired goals, energy, passion, persistence of action, effective communication skills and altruistic motives. His is a success prescription based on realistic and sophisticated ideology, best suited for those who have already "got what it takes" and simply have yet to make it happen.

From Library Journal

Robbins argues that by using a new technique called neurolinguistic programming (NLP) anyone can become successful at almost anything. NLP teaches us how to communicate success to ourselves. One of the best ways to do this is to model ourselves on people who are successful: Think, act, and speak like a success and you are on the way to being one. Despite much helpful material (even regarding nutrition), this book scarcely acknowledges the limitations that exist in people's lives. Of course, the whole thrust of NLP is to learn to focus on one's power and not on one's limits. But the text is too wordyit reads like a transcript of a series of talksand it also needs more structure and organization. Though it strives to be upbeat and encouraging, Unlimited Power still leaves mixed feelings.

                              John Moryl, Yeshiva Univ. Lib., New York

Simon & Schuster

How has Anthony Robbins, convinced tens of thousands of individuals to kick off their shoes and walk slowly---even cheerfully---across ten feet of burning coals? Robbins, who calls his firewalk "an experience in personal power and responsibilities," is one of the foremost experts in Neuro Linguistic Programming---a system Science Digest says is "the most powerful vehicle for change in existence." Plug into Unlimited Power and you'll agree. Based on the simple fact that success---in any venture---stems from specific patterns of behavior which can be studied, then imitated, NLP and Unlimited Power explains how you can meet the four criteria for achievement: Defining Your Goal Taking Focused Action Gauging Your Results As You Go Adjusting Your Behavior Until The Goal Is Achieved So kick off your shoes...then put your feet up and learn what the firewalkers have discovered: that success is habit-forming and the habit of success, once learned, is nearly impossible to forget.

Book Dimension

length: (cm)19.7                 width:(cm)12.8

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