The Stand 斯蒂芬·金 在线电子书 图书标签: 斯蒂芬·金 StephenKing 小说 外国文学 科幻 美国文学 恐怖 力推此书
The Stand 斯蒂芬·金 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
评分特、别、长!本人看的是未删减版……嗯……喜欢Nick和大个子(忘记名字了 不喜女主和Stu
斯蒂芬·金1947年出生于美国缅因州一贫困家庭。在州立大学学习英国文学。毕业后因工资菲薄而走上写作之路。70年代中期声名渐起,被《纽约时报》誉为“现代恐怖小说大师”。自80年代至90年代以来,历年的美国畅销书排行榜,他的小说总是名列榜首,久居不下。他是当今世界上读者最多、声名最大的美国小说家。他的每一部作品,都成为好莱坞制片商的抢手货。1979年,在他32岁时,成为全世界作家中首屈一指的亿万富翁。今天,他的每部作品的版税,均逾千万美金之巨。 金的作品,超越于传统的恐怖小说。他不靠具体的意象来获得恐怖效果,而是通过对事件气氛的营造来震慑读者。金用他那魔鬼般的手指一拨,所有紧绷的心弦都为之轰响,在一阵惊悸又一阵心跳中,带你进入颤栗的深渊。 “对我来说,最佳的效果是读者在阅读我的小说时因心脏病发作而死去。
Arguably the greatest horror novel ever written by the greatest horror novelist, this is a true Modern Classic that was first published in 1978, and then re-published in 1990, complete and unabridged, with 150,000 words cut from the first edition restored, and now accompanied by unusual and imaginative line art. The total copies for both editions, in hardcover and paperback, exceeds 4 million worldwide.
The Stand is a truly terrifying reading experience, and became a four-part mini-series that memorably brought to life the cast of characters and layers of story from the novel. It is an apocalyptic vision of the world, when a deadly virus runs amok around the globe. But that lethal virus is almost benign compared to the satanic force gathering minions from those still alive to destroy humanity and create a world populated by evil.
Stephen King is a brilliant storyteller who has the uncanny gift of putting ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, giving readers an experience that chills and thrills on every page. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
这本书1300页,按照1小时读40页的速度,花了30个小时,持续两个星期。 天知道,如果看其他书,三本都看完了。 斯蒂芬金的书,短篇中篇绝对是精品,因为他也知道,要把冲突矛盾在很短的篇幅表现出来,就不可能灌水,所有的灵感爆发都在短短的篇幅,而长篇则随意加入注水情节,就...
评分这本书实在是太长,太长,太长太长太长了。我独自看电子版,事先不知道!读了几个晚上之后,我就想放弃了。因为我本来想着让它助眠,恐怖小说对我来说没有什么害怕的地方,我依然有把握,按时睡去,一宿无眠,但我没有想到的是它的无聊。 开头的病毒侵袭人类还算精彩,可惜就拖...
评分I was really pissed off by this book. It took me so much time just because i was so triggered by its frigging beginning. Then it started to move onto some fucking crap about"bad dreams/good dreams". and what's worst, in order to thicken the book, King even...
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