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Order and History (Volume 1)

Eric Voegelin 作者
University of Missouri Press
2001-11-30 出版日期
656 頁數
GBP 64.50 價格
9780826213518 圖書編碼

Order and History (Volume 1) 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 政治  思想史  (集)  沃格林  (English)  政治哲學  曆史  EricVoegelin   

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Order and History (Volume 1) 在線電子書 著者簡介

Eric Voegelin (1901-1985) was one of the most original and influential philosophers of our time. Born in Cologne, Germany, he studied at the University of Vienna, where he became a professor of political science in the Faculty of Law. In 1938, he and his wife, fleeing Hitler, immigrated to the United States. They became American citizens in 1944. Voegelin spent much of his career at Louisiana State University, the University of Munich, and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. During his lifetime he published many books and more than one hundred articles. The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin will make available in a uniform edition all of Voegelin's major writings.

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Order and History (Volume 1) 在線電子書 圖書描述

Eric Voegelin's Israel and Revelation is the opening volume of his monumental Order and History, which traces the history of order in human society. This volume examines the ancient near eastern civilizations as a backdrop to a discussion of the historical locus of order in Israel. The drama of Israel mirrors the problems associated with the tension of existence as Israel attempted to reconcile the claims of transcendent order with those of pragmatic existence and so becomes paradigmatic.

According to Voegelin, what happened in Israel was a decisive step, not only in the history of Israel, but also in the human attempt to achieve order in society. The uniqueness of Israel is the fact that it was the first to create history as a form of existence, that is, the recognition by human beings of their existence under a world-transcendent God, and the evaluation of their actions as conforming to or defecting from the divine will. In the course of its history, Israel learned that redemption comes from a source beyond itself.

Voegelin develops rich insights into the Old Testament by reading the text as part of the universal drama of being. His philosophy of symbolic forms has immense implications for the treatment of the biblical narrative as a symbolism that articulates the experiences of a people's order. The author initiates us into attunement with all the partners in the community of being: God and humans, world and society. This may well be his most significant contribution to political thought: "the experience of divine being as world transcendent is inseparable from an understanding of man as human."

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Order and History (Volume 1) 在線電子書 讀後感


这是一本厚重的著作。 我无力对它进行任何评价。终于盼到它出版时是相当兴奋的,毕竟我是先拜读完第二册后才开始盼望的。 迫不及待地展卷,发现,编者导言十分精彩,作者自序也相当震撼。可是读到史学著作那一章时居然读不下去了,太专业了,感觉离我太远。只好放下。 但又...  


这是一本厚重的著作。 我无力对它进行任何评价。终于盼到它出版时是相当兴奋的,毕竟我是先拜读完第二册后才开始盼望的。 迫不及待地展卷,发现,编者导言十分精彩,作者自序也相当震撼。可是读到史学著作那一章时居然读不下去了,太专业了,感觉离我太远。只好放下。 但又...  


政治学研究的是实实在在的对象,order of being/philosophy of being, being 翻译成“存在者”容易让人理解,翻译成“存在”真是玄之又玄,让人丈二和尚摸不到屁股,西人从本体研究到知识再研究到语言,都冲着实实在在的对象折腾,到我们这里,都成了众妙之门了,我们实在是本...


政治学研究的是实实在在的对象,order of being/philosophy of being, being 翻译成“存在者”容易让人理解,翻译成“存在”真是玄之又玄,让人丈二和尚摸不到屁股,西人从本体研究到知识再研究到语言,都冲着实实在在的对象折腾,到我们这里,都成了众妙之门了,我们实在是本...


这是一本厚重的著作。 我无力对它进行任何评价。终于盼到它出版时是相当兴奋的,毕竟我是先拜读完第二册后才开始盼望的。 迫不及待地展卷,发现,编者导言十分精彩,作者自序也相当震撼。可是读到史学著作那一章时居然读不下去了,太专业了,感觉离我太远。只好放下。 但又...  

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