Goddesses in Every Woman 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Goddesses in Every Woman

Jean Shinoda Bolen 作者
Harper Colophan Books
1984 出版日期
0 頁數
112.00 價格
9780060912918 圖書編碼

Goddesses in Every Woman 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 心理學  女性   

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Goddesses in Every Woman 在線電子書 用戶評價


Jungian archetypes: 這本書對我很重要,終於深刻地理解瞭自己的復雜且不再掙紮。請不要被渣標題嚇跑!


Jungian archetypes: 這本書對我很重要,終於深刻地理解瞭自己的復雜且不再掙紮。請不要被渣標題嚇跑!


Jungian archetypes: 這本書對我很重要,終於深刻地理解瞭自己的復雜且不再掙紮。請不要被渣標題嚇跑!


Jungian archetypes: 這本書對我很重要,終於深刻地理解瞭自己的復雜且不再掙紮。請不要被渣標題嚇跑!


Jungian archetypes: 這本書對我很重要,終於深刻地理解瞭自己的復雜且不再掙紮。請不要被渣標題嚇跑!

Goddesses in Every Woman 在線電子書 著者簡介

Goddesses in Every Woman 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Goddesses in Every Woman 在線電子書 圖書描述

<p>Just as women used to be unconscious of the powerful effects that cultural stereotypes had on them, they may also be unconscious of powerful forces within them that influence what they do and how they feel, and which account for major differences among women. Psychoanalyst Jean Bolen believes that an understanding of these inner patterns and their interrelationships offers reassuring, true-to-life alternatives that take women far beyond such restrictive dichotomies as masculine/feminine, mother/lover, careerist/housewife. And she demonstrates how understanding them can provide the key to self-knowledge and wholeness. Dr. Bolen introduces these patterns in the guise of seven archetypal goddesses, or personality types, with whom all women will identify. <em>Goddesses in Everywoman </em>shows readers how to identify their ruling goddesses (from the autonomous Artemis and the cool Athena to the nurturing Demeter and the creative Aphrodite), how to decide which to cultivate and which to overcome, and how to tap the power of these enduring archetypes to become better &quot;heroines&quot; in their own life stories.</p>

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Goddesses in Every Woman 在線電子書 讀後感


This is a fabulous work. I was attracted by the first look at its cover-and interestingly it is lying on a gay's desk. I borrowed book and immediately and was absorbed into it thorgouly. I was preparing for GRE test and the reading was helpful at least to s...


This is a fabulous work. I was attracted by the first look at its cover-and interestingly it is lying on a gay's desk. I borrowed book and immediately and was absorbed into it thorgouly. I was preparing for GRE test and the reading was helpful at least to s...


This is a fabulous work. I was attracted by the first look at its cover-and interestingly it is lying on a gay's desk. I borrowed book and immediately and was absorbed into it thorgouly. I was preparing for GRE test and the reading was helpful at least to s...


This is a fabulous work. I was attracted by the first look at its cover-and interestingly it is lying on a gay's desk. I borrowed book and immediately and was absorbed into it thorgouly. I was preparing for GRE test and the reading was helpful at least to s...


This is a fabulous work. I was attracted by the first look at its cover-and interestingly it is lying on a gay's desk. I borrowed book and immediately and was absorbed into it thorgouly. I was preparing for GRE test and the reading was helpful at least to s...

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