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The Origin Of The Universe

John D. Barrow 作者
Basic Books
1997 出版日期
176 頁數
USD 16 價格
9780465053148 圖書編碼

The Origin Of The Universe 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 科普  英文原版   

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080109 我寫瞭評論“中文大綱”






080109 我寫瞭評論“中文大綱”


080109 我寫瞭評論“中文大綱”

The Origin Of The Universe 在線電子書 著者簡介

The Origin Of The Universe 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Origin Of The Universe 在線電子書 圖書描述

There is no more profound, enduring, or fascinating question in all of science than that of how time, space, and matter began. Now John Barrow, who has been at the cutting edge of research in this area and has written extensively about it, guides readers on a journey to the beginning of time, into a world of temperatures and densities so high that we cannot re-create them in the laboratory. With new insights, he draws us into the latest speculative theories about the nature of time and the inflationary universe, explains wormholes, showing how they bear upon the fact of our own existence, and considers whether there was a singularity at the inception of the universe. Here is a treatment so up-to-date and intellectually rich, dealing with ideas and speculation at the farthest frontier of science, that neither novice nor expert will want to miss what Barrow has to say. He shows how scientists, by exploring crucial points of contact between the behavior of matter during its early history and the observed structure of the universe today, came to understand more fully all the entities in the universefrom elementary particles to great clusters of galaxies.

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The Origin Of The Universe 在線電子書 讀後感


重新看了一遍《宇宙的起源》,终于明白初中时为什么看不懂了。 1. 全书结构安排不合理; 2. 许多名词作者没解释; 3. 段子讲的太少; 4. 初中时知识面太狭窄(连牛顿引力都不太懂); 5. 译文用词过于华丽,不够口语化; 6. 排版不好,印刷质量不行


重新看了一遍《宇宙的起源》,终于明白初中时为什么看不懂了。 1. 全书结构安排不合理; 2. 许多名词作者没解释; 3. 段子讲的太少; 4. 初中时知识面太狭窄(连牛顿引力都不太懂); 5. 译文用词过于华丽,不够口语化; 6. 排版不好,印刷质量不行


重新看了一遍《宇宙的起源》,终于明白初中时为什么看不懂了。 1. 全书结构安排不合理; 2. 许多名词作者没解释; 3. 段子讲的太少; 4. 初中时知识面太狭窄(连牛顿引力都不太懂); 5. 译文用词过于华丽,不够口语化; 6. 排版不好,印刷质量不行


重新看了一遍《宇宙的起源》,终于明白初中时为什么看不懂了。 1. 全书结构安排不合理; 2. 许多名词作者没解释; 3. 段子讲的太少; 4. 初中时知识面太狭窄(连牛顿引力都不太懂); 5. 译文用词过于华丽,不够口语化; 6. 排版不好,印刷质量不行


重新看了一遍《宇宙的起源》,终于明白初中时为什么看不懂了。 1. 全书结构安排不合理; 2. 许多名词作者没解释; 3. 段子讲的太少; 4. 初中时知识面太狭窄(连牛顿引力都不太懂); 5. 译文用词过于华丽,不够口语化; 6. 排版不好,印刷质量不行

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