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Xa~ural (faR <br >HERBAL HISTORY<br > l_{}ng bef{}rc {}vc~--rhc-c{)untcr incdications and prescripti{)n drugs I<n{)wlcd,,c {}f h{<br > came {)n tile sculac, herbs pl:ovcd co be powerful lac:~lcrs. Every cultures, such a~<br > culture {m catch has used herbal medicine. In t~acc, herbal usage is R~)mans, s;h{)w<br > older than rcc{}rdcd hisc{}rv itself: Hcrbal preparations werc found ,vcrcn t the {)Ill,,<br > in the burial site of a Neanderthal man who lived over 6{)~{}00 SCalldinavinlls, :<br > herbs. I!1 fact, it<br > -ears ago.<br > When it comes to lacrbal medicine, many healing systems arc br~}uglat by ~nva<br > - I P l hnps the best known are avurvcda, f~)undati{)n ft}r <br > available and usctu, c<br > Chinese medicine, a11d Western herbalism. Avurvcda is a system of f{)luncd a c{)nlpl<br > diagnosis a~)d trcat~ncnt that uses herbs in conjunction with acc{}rdin~ to h<)<br > blcathing, mcditati~)ll, and yoga. It has been practiced ill India for systems.<br > m{)rc than 2,5{}(} x cars. Avtllvcda gets its name from the Sanskl it Western herb:<br > xx{}rds ~l~ l~/;, ~llCnl~ing " l~)ngcvitv," and z,eda, meaning trnvclcd t{) the iI<br > " l<n{}lcdgc." llldeed, in avurvedic healing, health can be achieved their medical 1<:<br > {}lllx at:tot idclltifving a pe~son s physical and mental tterbal know-h{<br > chalnctcristics (c~lllcd dosba). Then tlac proper preventative {)r habits, s{} that ~<br > tlacrapcutic rcn~cdics arc prescribed t() help an individual maintain m{)thcrs t{} dau~<br > d~)shic balallCC, wcrc U,l ()X.Vll ill ,!<br > Chinese medicine is another healing system that uses hcrbs~ ill 18{){}s, aJld carl <br > combinatioil with acuprcssurc, acupuncture, and qi g{)ng, cchinacca, alld<br > Somenmc called traditi{}nnl (2hincse medicine (TCM) this mcdicillc ill (}ffi.<br > ancient system is thouglat t~} be rooted as far back as 2,80{) BC ill l)harzzzac~p~~~,i~z<br > the time ~}f cmpcr{}r Shcng Nun,~ Know1] as (,h~na s patr~m saint Nati~~zzal l:~~rzzzz,<br > {}f hcH~al medicine, Slacng Nung is credited among the first creation {)f sv~]t<br > pr{}poncnts {}f healing pla~ts. Chinese medicine attempts to help began t~} vn~c.<br > rlac b{)dv c{}rrcct CllCI"{rV ilnbalnnces. Thc~cfore herbs arc classified t:{)rtu~]atcly, 1:<br > according t~} ccrtai~ active characteristics, such as heating, remedies, l~stca<br > c{){)li~lg, m{)istu~izing, {)l drx i~g, and prescribed ncc{)rding to how medicati{)ns. ~l h<br > they influence the activity ~)f various organ systcms. Americans f~)~ a<br > Xlnn herbal practiti{)ncrs believe that Western lacrbalism can side effects {}f sx<br > trace its r{){)ts t{} the ancient Sumerians, who~according t{) a f{}rwaRt {}n a hc<br > medicinal recipe datin,, tq{)m 3000 BC~boasted a refined<br >
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