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Washington's Crossing

David Hackett Fischer 作者
2004-4-15 出版日期
517 頁數
GBP 22.99 價格
9780195170344 圖書編碼

Washington's Crossing 在線電子書 圖書標籤: David_Hackett_Fischer   

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Washington's Crossing 在線電子書 圖書描述

Six months after Independence, the American Revolution was all but lost. A powerful British force had routed the Americans at New York, occupied three colonies, and advanced within sight of Philadelphia. George Washington lost 90 percent of his army, and was driven across the Delaware River. Panic and despair spread through the states. As the author recounts in this riveting history, many Americans refused to let the Revolution die. In mid-December, the people of occupied New Jersey began to rise against British and German troops. They created an opportunity for George Washington. On Christmas night, as a howling nor'easter struck the Delaware Valley, Washington led his men across the river and attacked the exhausted Hessian garrison at Trenton, killing or capturing nearly a thousand men. A second battle of Trenton followed a week later. The Americans repelled an attack by Lord Cornwallis, but were nearly trapped. They escaped in the night, marched behind the enemy, and defeated a British brigade at Princeton. Badly shaken, the British retreated to an enclave near the coast. For twelve weeks the Americans kept the initiative in small attacks that took a large toll of Howe's army, and wrecked his strategy. American spirits soared. A new three-year army was recruited, a continental executive was organized, and the states created permanent republican governments. European leaders were quick to take notice. Fischer's richly textured narrative reveals the role of contingency in these events. We see how the campaign developed in a web of hard choices by many actors on both sides. While British and German forces remained rigid and hierarchical, Americans invented an open and flexible system that was fundamental to their success. At the same time, Washington and his army developed an American way of war, and also a war-ethic that John Adams called "the policy of humanity." Their conduct of the War for Independence gave new meaning to the Revolution, in a pivotal moment for American history.

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Washington's Crossing 在線電子書 讀後感


看了3页就看不下去了,很佩服译者的勇气.可怜了俺买书的银子. 哪位豆油还非要看的话,去书店翻翻就好,不值得掏钱买  


这本书英文名是Washingtong's Cross,是以华盛顿渡过特拉华河歼灭黑森雇佣兵的战役为中心、对美国独立战争前期所做的深入研究,最难得的是对这场战争中的德国雇佣兵做了极其详尽的研究。作者用力之勤、为学之细举出一点即可见一斑:此书最后由作者整理的附录、注释、索引 超过2...  


看了3页就看不下去了,很佩服译者的勇气.可怜了俺买书的银子. 哪位豆油还非要看的话,去书店翻翻就好,不值得掏钱买  


看了3页就看不下去了,很佩服译者的勇气.可怜了俺买书的银子. 哪位豆油还非要看的话,去书店翻翻就好,不值得掏钱买  


这本书英文名是Washingtong's Cross,是以华盛顿渡过特拉华河歼灭黑森雇佣兵的战役为中心、对美国独立战争前期所做的深入研究,最难得的是对这场战争中的德国雇佣兵做了极其详尽的研究。作者用力之勤、为学之细举出一点即可见一斑:此书最后由作者整理的附录、注释、索引 超过2...  

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