Les Liaisons Dangereuses 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 詩歌 法國文學 2016
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肖德洛·德·拉剋洛(Choderlos de Laclos, 1741-1803),法國作傢,生於索姆省亞眠市。1780年7月至1781年9月,他構思創作瞭《危險的關係》,齣版後即刻風行一時,引起巨大的社會反響,在作者生前至少印瞭五十版,但在十九世紀,此書卻被法院以“內容淫猥、有傷風化”為由多次列為禁書,作者也因此聲名不彰。直到二十世紀中後期,保爾·布爾熱對他的揄揚以及波德萊爾有關這部小說的筆記的齣版,尤其是二戰以後,紀德、馬爾羅、吉羅杜、莫羅亞、羅歇·瓦揚、布托爾等作傢都對他給予高度評價,恢復瞭他在文學史上的崇高地位,此書最終取代瞭盧梭的《新愛洛伊絲》,成為法國文學史上一部不朽的名著。拉剋洛成瞭法國大學課程上規定研讀的作傢,人們發現他的作品還能十分順利地經過改編轉換到彆的傳播媒介上。所有這些經改編的影片和劇作不可能百分之百地傳達齣拉剋洛原作的精髓和微妙之處。但應該看到,拉剋洛的作品經過屢次加工改造,卻總能剪裁得適閤流行的時尚潮流的口味。
Les Liaisons Dangereuses, by Peirre Choderlos de Laclos , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics : All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. Barnes & Noble Classics pulls together a constellation of influencesbiographical, historical, and literaryto enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works. Love . . . sex . . . seduction. Of the three, only the last matters. Love is a meaningless word, and sex an ephemeral pleasure, but seduction is an amusing game in which victory means power and the ability to humiliate one’s enemies and revel with one’s friends. So it is for the Vicomte de Valmont and the Marquise de Merteuil, two supremely bored aristocrats during the final years before the French Revolution. Together they concoct a wildly wicked wager: If Valmont can successfully seduce the virtuous wife of a government official, Madame de Tourvel, then Madame Merteuil will sleep with him again. But Madame Merteuil also wants Valmont to conquer the young and innocent former convent schoolgirl, Cécile Volanges. Can he do both?
When Les Liaisons Dangereuses was first published in 1782, it both scandalized and titillated the aristocracy it was aimed against, who publicly denounced it and privately devoured it. Today we still recognize its relevance, for what could be more contemporary than its appalling image of everyday evil small, selfish, manipulative, and mean. Alfred Mac Adam, Professor at Barnard CollegeColumbia University, teaches Latin American and comparative literature. He is a translator of Latin American fiction and writes extensively on art.
原载《文景》杂志2011年3月号 《危险的关系》是18世纪末一个法国军人在闲暇时所写的一本小说,出版后风行一时,引起巨大的社会反响,但是在整个19世纪,该书却被法院以“内容淫猥、有伤风化”为由而多次遭禁,作者也因此而声名不彰。直到20世纪中后期,经过许...
評分 評分在十八世纪的一百年内,法国文坛上出现了三本经典的书信体小说——孟德斯鸠的《波斯人信札》、卢梭的《新爱洛伊丝》以及拉克洛的《危险的关系》。相较于前两位大思想家来说,拉克洛在历史可谓籍籍无名,但是在这三本小说之中,《危险的关系》却是情节最紧凑、故事性最好的著...
評分”这种艺术的真正伟大之处不是对享乐主义作了什么宣扬,而是对享乐主义作了分析。这个原因使我认为拉克洛的《危险的关系》可算是最伟大的小说之一。“ “使他们心动的不是欢乐,而是征服;不是欢乐的欲望,而是胜利的欲望主宰全过程。起初看起来像是一场欢乐淫荡的游戏,不可...
評分#姓名#这部迄今为止最完整的中译本,用了“危险的关系”而非观众熟知的“危险关系”作为书名——前者在“危险”和“关系”中摇晃,实现了微妙的平衡;后者用平稳的四个字做实,反而寡淡。 #质地#都是情书,也许是因为经验值,更可能“因为懂得”,两位年轻情人之间的通信在男...
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