China at Work 在線電子書 圖書標籤: craftsmanship china 技術史 手工藝 手工藝 曆史 中國曆史
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魯道夫·P·霍梅爾,1885年生於德國慕尼黑,其父為慕尼黑大學東方語言學教授弗裏茨·霍梅爾(Fritz Hommel,1854—1936)。魯道夫·P·霍梅爾在慕尼黑接受早期教育,21歲時移居美國,輾轉紐黑文和剋利夫蘭等地,之後到瞭新英格蘭,在哈佛大學學習希臘語、拉丁語,以及其他古代典籍,後到伯利恒(Bethlehem)的裏海大學(Lehigh University)學化學,並在該校任副教授。後來,他認識瞭賓夕法尼亞州多伊爾斯敦的亨利·查普曼·莫瑟,被莫瑟博士所吸引,終於雙方在充滿魅力的人類工具研究方麵産生共鳴,為協助莫瑟博士進行工具調查,毅然捨棄瞭從前的地位。莫瑟博士主要收集美國土著工具,並決心進行中國民間手工藝調查,委托魯道夫·P·霍梅爾擔當此任。霍梅爾先後在中國住瞭8年,剋服重重睏難,完成瞭令人難以置信的調查工作。
In 1921, when Rudolf Hommel joined Henry Chapman Mercer on his expedition into China, they found a land untouched by the arrival of machine technology. Grain was planted in holes dug with a long-handled conical stone; it was threshed by slashing the stalks against slatted wooden frames. River-mud bricks were pulled across the fields on sleds with rope handles, then used to build houses which had bamboo roofs and soil floors pounded smooth. The hand-woven cloth was dyed, wrung by hand, and draped on large bamboo scaffolds to dry.
Hommel limited his examination—wisely, in view of the wealth of examples that he found—to primary tools, those which met people's basic needs; he discussed the handicrafting of tools and methods of providing food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. The photographs and sketches are thoroughly documented, and the various processes are explained and, when necessary, located by region.
A review by Florence Ayscough in Books (September 12, 1937) referred to the original 1937 edition of China at Work as a "book which reveals the lives of millions who, in order to remain among the living, must daily hsiang fa tzu—evolve methods—with tools incredibly primitive, yet incredibly effective." Nearly unavailable since that limited first edition, the volume is now more than a historical study; it is a first-hand source book for a time that is now gone.
評分本书的副标题是:An Illustrated Record of the Primitive Industries of China's Mass, Whose Life is Toil, and Thus an Account of Chinese Civilization. 后记中将其译为:辛苦劳作的中国大众的手工业图录,因而也是中华文明的记述。这句话可说是对本书内容和思想的最精练...
評分本书的副标题是:An Illustrated Record of the Primitive Industries of China's Mass, Whose Life is Toil, and Thus an Account of Chinese Civilization. 后记中将其译为:辛苦劳作的中国大众的手工业图录,因而也是中华文明的记述。这句话可说是对本书内容和思想的最精练...
評分为是在豆瓣搜索“手艺”,书的作者大多是外国著的? 0 0 0
評分《手艺中国》,直译为《劳作的中国:中国劳苦大众生活的原始工业图志——中国文明记录》,作者是美国学者鲁道夫•霍尔梅(Rudolf P•Hommel)。这是一部上世纪30年代版的关于中国日常手工艺的田野调查的报告,霍尔梅先从1921年—1926年,后在1928年—1930年,于半个中国的...
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