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Dreaming by the Book

Scarry, Elaine 作者
Princeton Univ Pr
2001-3 出版日期
304 頁數
$ 34.97 價格
9780691070766 圖書編碼

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pseudoscience through the lens of literature. the idea of flower as a medium is quite interesting on its own but utterly unconvincing when applied to how the human brain imagines. 建議作者對這個議題這麼感興趣的話去涉獵神經科學。


pseudoscience through the lens of literature. the idea of flower as a medium is quite interesting on its own but utterly unconvincing when applied to how the human brain imagines. 建議作者對這個議題這麼感興趣的話去涉獵神經科學。


pseudoscience through the lens of literature. the idea of flower as a medium is quite interesting on its own but utterly unconvincing when applied to how the human brain imagines. 建議作者對這個議題這麼感興趣的話去涉獵神經科學。


pseudoscience through the lens of literature. the idea of flower as a medium is quite interesting on its own but utterly unconvincing when applied to how the human brain imagines. 建議作者對這個議題這麼感興趣的話去涉獵神經科學。


pseudoscience through the lens of literature. the idea of flower as a medium is quite interesting on its own but utterly unconvincing when applied to how the human brain imagines. 建議作者對這個議題這麼感興趣的話去涉獵神經科學。

Dreaming by the Book 在線電子書 著者簡介

伊萊恩•斯卡利(Elaine Scarry), 英美文學語言學教授,哈佛大學Walter M. Cabot美學教授,認知接受美學的倡導者,在當代文藝理論界有重要的影響力具有重大的影響。其論著頗豐,主要代錶作有:《論美與正義》(On Beauty and Being Just,普林斯頓,1999)、《痛苦中的軀體》(The Body in Pain,1985)等。

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Dreaming by the Book 在線電子書 圖書描述

"Dreaming by the Book" explores the almost miraculous processes by which poets and writers teach us the work of imaginative creation. Writers from Homer to Heaney instruct us in the art of mental composition, even as their poems progress. Just as painters understand paint, composers musical instruments, and sculptors stone or metal, verbal artists understand the only material in which their creations will get made - the back-lit tissue of the human brain. In her brilliant synthesis of literary criticism, philosophy, and cognitive psychology, Elaine Scarry explores the principal practices by which writers bring things to life for their readers.

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