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You Can Hug With Nuclear Arms

Jennifer Warburg 作者
Morgan & Morgan
1982-12 出版日期
0 頁數
10.95 價格
9780871001900 圖書編碼

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PREFACE<br > This book was an afterthought. The idea did not occur<br >until after the phenomenal June 7, 12 and 14 demonstrations<br >were over and the disappointing and unproductive U.N.<br >Special Session of Disarmament was about to end. At that<br >point, I was showing a friend the hundreds of photos I had<br >taken of citizen demonstrations and diplomatic delegations as<br >staff photographer for Disarmament Times during the five<br >weeks of the U.N. Special Session. After looking at my<br >photos, he said, "You know, you have the makings of a book<br >here." At first, I didn t think so.<br > I told my friend that I hadn t shot enough of the right<br >kind of images for a book, because I had been shooting with<br >0nly Disarmament Times in mind; and, that a book and a<br >newspaper have very different requirements. My friend, how-<br >ever, didn t give up. He convinced me that I would be able to<br >find other photographers whose work would help supplement<br >and complement what I had done. In turn, I convinced that<br >same friend, Doug Lowe, that he should take a leave of ab-<br >sence from his work with The People s Alliance in North<br >Carolina and come to New York to help me find the other<br >photographers and the right publisher.<br > At this stage of the project we were fortunate enough to<br >obtain a small grant of seed money from North Carolina s<br >AMUSE (Artists and Musicians United for a Safe Environ-<br >ment, Inc.) in order to begin working on the book in earnest.<br >Soon, we found five professional photographers whose works<br >matched our project s need. Our good fortune continued as we<br >obtained writers of the stature we wanted for our Foreword<br >and Afterword, and as the Institute for Policy Studies in<br >Washington, D.C. agreed to provide much-needed coopera-<br >tion and support. Finally, we were fortunate enough to locate<br >an outstanding publisher of photo books who was interested in<br >our project.<br > Then, working together as photo editors, Doug and I un-<br >dertook the difficult task of choosing from among the<br >thousands of images we had available to us. Each photo we<br >selected was chosen for any one of three reasons: (1) its<br >strength as an artful photographic image; (2) its representation<br >of the wonderful diversity and activity of all the demonstra-<br >tions; and, (3) its usefulness in bringing continuity and clarity<br >to the sequence of events. As a result, each of the photos<br >presented here has its varying role to play as part of the overall<br >documentary of the demonstrations on June 7, 12 and 14.<br > Unfortunately, we have been able to document only a<br >small part of all that occurred on those three special days, and<br >virtually nothing of the other events that also happened while<br >the U.N. was holding its Second Special Session on Disarma-<br >ment. Had our publishing deadlines and budget permitted, we<br >might have spent the time and money to find even more photo-<br >graphers whose images would have provided more complete<br >documentation--especlally photos of the enormous amount of<br >planning, organizing, sign painting, costume making and long-<br >distance traveling that went into each successful demonstration.<br >But no amount of photos could ever completely document all<br >that happened on June 7, 12 and 14, let alone some of the<br >other active days and nights during the U.N. Special Session.<br > What we present here is a glimpse of three very special<br >days in June of 1982 when it suddenly became apparent that<br >the American people, as well as the rest of the world, were<br >awakening to the insanity of the arms race, awakening to the<br >nuclear nightmare--and taking action to save humanity. We<br >hope this book will help to keep the spirit of these days alive.<br >More importantly, we hope it will serve as a constant reminder<br >and an impetus to all people, particularly those in power, that<br >we must devise ways to finally and forever say, as did all the<br >June 12 demonstrators in Central Park when the 3,000<br >bomb-shaped balloons were released, "Good-bye to Nuclear<br >Weapons."<br >Jennifer Warburg<br >Durham, North Carolina<br > ~" ~<br >

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