The Idol and Distance 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

The Idol and Distance

Jean-Luc Marion 作者
Fordham University Press
Thomas A. Carlson 譯者
2001-2-1 出版日期
257 頁數
USD 45.00 價格
9780823220786 圖書編碼

The Idol and Distance 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 宗教  哲學  marion  視覺轉嚮  英文版  理論  法國  philosophy   

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The Idol and Distance 在線電子書 圖書描述

Marked sharply by its time and place (Paris in the 1970s), this early theological text by Jean-Luc Marion nevertheless maintains a strikingly deep resonance with his most recent, groundbreaking, and ever more widely discussed phenomenology. And while Marion will want to insist on a clear distinction between the theological and phenomenological projects, to read each in light of the other can prove illuminating for both the theological and the philosophical reader - and perhaps above all for the reader who wants to read in both directions at once, the reader concerned with those points of interplay and undecidability where theology and philosophy inform, provoke, and challenge one another in endlessly complex ways. In both his theological and his phenomenological projects Marion's central effort to free the absolute or unconditional (be it theology's God or phenomenology's phenomenon) from the various limits and preconditions of human thought and language will imply a thoroughgoing critique of all metaphysics, and above all of the modern metaphysics centered on the active, spontaneous subject who occupies modern philosophy from Descartes through Hegel and Nietzsche.

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The Idol and Distance 在線電子書 讀後感


Inscriptions: For union, in setting separation apart, has in no way undermined difference. Maximus the Confessor(Ambigua,PG 91,1056c) Every concept formed in order to reach and encompass the divine nature succeeds only in fashioning an idol...


Inscriptions: For union, in setting separation apart, has in no way undermined difference. Maximus the Confessor(Ambigua,PG 91,1056c) Every concept formed in order to reach and encompass the divine nature succeeds only in fashioning an idol...


Inscriptions: For union, in setting separation apart, has in no way undermined difference. Maximus the Confessor(Ambigua,PG 91,1056c) Every concept formed in order to reach and encompass the divine nature succeeds only in fashioning an idol...


Inscriptions: For union, in setting separation apart, has in no way undermined difference. Maximus the Confessor(Ambigua,PG 91,1056c) Every concept formed in order to reach and encompass the divine nature succeeds only in fashioning an idol...


Inscriptions: For union, in setting separation apart, has in no way undermined difference. Maximus the Confessor(Ambigua,PG 91,1056c) Every concept formed in order to reach and encompass the divine nature succeeds only in fashioning an idol...

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