Nietzsche 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 哲學(含道德&宗教)
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This is a quick way to prove that I am not a philosophically minded person at all. I only remember the parables he told.
評分This is a quick way to prove that I am not a philosophically minded person at all. I only remember the parables he told.
評分This is a quick way to prove that I am not a philosophically minded person at all. I only remember the parables he told.
評分This is a quick way to prove that I am not a philosophically minded person at all. I only remember the parables he told.
評分This is a quick way to prove that I am not a philosophically minded person at all. I only remember the parables he told.
尼采,弗裏德裏希·威廉(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche,一八四四——一九〇〇)是十九世紀末著名的德國哲學傢,他的作品以直搗人性底蘊的氣魄和淋灕酣暢的文風見稱,尤以在美學和道德哲學方麵的著作享譽世界。主要著作有《悲劇的誕生》、《紮拉圖特拉如是說》、《善惡的彼岸》、《論道德的譜係》等。
Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most influential thinkers of the past 150 years and On the Genealogy of Morality (1887) is his most important work on ethics and politics. A polemical contribution to moral and political theory, it offers a critique of moral values and traces the historical evolution of concepts such as guilt, conscience, responsibility, law and justice. This is a revised and updated 2006 edition of one of the most successful volumes to appear in Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought. Keith Ansell-Pearson modified his introduction to Nietzsche's classic text, and Carol Diethe incorporated a number of changes to the translation itself, reflecting the considerable advances in our understanding of Nietzsche. In this guise the Cambridge Texts edition of Nietzsche's Genealogy should continue to enjoy widespread adoption, at both undergraduate and graduate level.
总论 《道德的谱系》分为三篇檄文,每一篇都辨证地质疑了我们道德判断的价值。尼采以一种谱系学的方式,检验了不同道德概念的起源和含义。 第一篇,“善与恶”“好和坏”比较了“主人道德”和“奴隶道德”。“主人道德”由强壮,健康,自由的人所发展,他们视自己的幸福是“好...
評分 評分尼采论“忘却”(vergessen): 1 《论道德谱系学》第一章十节 在许多场合下,高贵者丝毫不感到怨恨,而所有的软弱者和无能者却会毫无例外地感到怨恨。具有坚强完美的天性的人的标志是根本不会长期地把自己的敌人、不幸和失误看得很严重,因为他们有丰富的塑造力、修复力...
評分尼采的《道德的谱系》通过溯清道德概念的发展谱系来进行对道德价值的批判性思考以及最后的重估的准备工作。 我们一般将无私的且对他人有益的行为称为善行(即在动机和结果上都加以规定),并且根据一个行为与社会上的主流意识形态的偏离程度作为评判它善恶的标准。但在本书第一...
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