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尤金諾.芭芭於1964年在丹麥的奧斯陸(Oslo)創立歐丁劇場(Odin Teatret),於1966年遷到丹麥的赫斯特堡(Holstebro),成為丹麥戲劇實驗場(Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium)。他導過32齣戲,經常在歐洲、亞洲、北美洲和南美洲演出。1979年,他創立了國際劇場人類學學院(ISTA, International School of Theatre Anthropology),一個包括演員、舞者、音樂家和學者的流動學校,一起研究肢體圖像的原則。他寫了很多書和文章,包括《紙作的獨木舟:劇場人類學指南》(The Paper canoe: A Guide to Theatre Anthropology, Routledge, 1994年出版)、《劇場:孤獨、藝術、造反》(Theatre: Solitude, Craft, Revolt, 1999年出版)、《灰燼與鑽石之地:我在波蘭的學徒生涯》(Land of Ashes and Diamonds: My Apprenticeship in Poland, 1999年出版)。得過無數的國際獎項及榮譽學位。
尼可拉.沙瓦里斯是羅馬大學(University Romatre)的教授,在表演藝術系教戲劇史。他在東方和歐美劇場關係上發表過許多論文,包括《東方和西方的劇場及表演》
(Teatro e spettacolo fra Oriente e Occidente, 1992 年出版 )、《巴黎/亞陶/峇里島》(Paris/Artaud/Bali, 1997 年出版 )、《 訓練!》(Training!, 2004 年出版 )。自從國際劇場人類學學院成立以來,他就是固定成員之一,也是《劇場故事》(Teatro e storia)雜誌的編輯。
This the second English language edition of the classic text, "A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology" subtly juxtaposes the visual demonstrations of the performers craft, from a wealth of Oriental and Occidental sources. Whereas most Western research is concerned with naturalism and psychological realism in acting, the "Dictionary "focuses on the performer's arduous and eclectic craft.
More than just a dictionary, however, this is a handbook for theatre practitioners and a guide for students and scholars of transcultural performance. It is a result of ten years research conducted by Eugenio Barba and the International School of Theatre Anthropology (ISTA) based in Denmark. The "Dictionary: "
*aims to expand our knowledge of the possibilities of the scenic body, and of the spectators response to the dynamics of performance
*includes practical sections on balance, opposition and montage, among other techniques
discusses issues including The Text and the Stage, The Dilated Body, and Energetic Language
*provides over 600 illustrated examples of the performers craft, in black and white and color.
This new edition contains three new chapters - E"xercises, Eurasian Theatre and Organic Theatre -" and 20 new pictures.
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