National Geographic Dinosaurs 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 科普
National Geographic Dinosaurs 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
保羅·貝萊特(Paul Barrett),英國倫敦自然曆史博物館恐龍和化石類研究員,埃文斯實驗室的榮譽成員,在古生物學界享有盛譽。
勞爾·馬丁(Raul Martin),西班牙古生物插畫師,傑齣的古生物復原大師,古生物藝術的領軍人物,作品被眾多博物館收藏。
邢立達,1982年生於廣東潮州。自幼喜歡恐龍,隨同國內著名恐龍學者 ——董枝明教授前往雲南野外挖掘恐龍。邢立達前後在常州中華恐龍園擔任科研科普部負責人,成都地質學院(成都理工大學)地層古生物係碩士進修,中國祿豐恐龍研究中心挖掘與研究化石,北京中國地質科學院地質研究所,並最終來到瞭加拿大阿爾伯塔大學生物科學係,師從著名古生物學傢Philip J. Currie,為古生物學方嚮研究生。編寫、翻譯過多本恐龍類書籍。
Here is everything young readers want to know about dinosaurs and their world--in one magnificently illustrated, up-to-date family reference. Through dramatic graphics and age-appropriate text, this authoritative volume charts the discovery of all the main types of dinosaurs and reveals the latest details on how these creatures most likely looked, behaved, defended themselves, found food, cared for their young, and interacted. Stunning murals, based on scientific evidence, depict various dinosaurs in their habitats--beautifully complementing the color photographs, paintings, charts, and maps. Some 53 major types of dinosaurs are described, representing a wide range of physical structures, sizes, and lifestyles. The book presents recent discoveries and current scientific thought--including the dinosaur-bird connection, profiles of feathered dinosaurs, and theories on dinosaur extinction. Readers also see how today' s paleontologists obtain evidence, piece together clues, and continue to reconstruct life in prehistoric times.
National Geographic Dinosaurs 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025