God Bless You Dr. Kevorkian 在線電子書 圖書標籤:
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庫爾特•馮尼古特(Kurt Vonnegut,Jr.,1922—2007),美國作傢,黑色幽默文學代錶人物之一,躋身當代美國文學少數幾位大師之列。1959年因《泰坦的海妖》成名,代錶作有《貓的搖籃》《冠軍的早餐》《第五號屠宰場》等。他的書對人類想象在探尋基本權利和自由方麵可能達到的高度的書寫,帶來挑釁,又令人著迷。
尼爾•蓋曼(Neil Gaiman):當代最著名的暢銷書作傢之一,被視為新一代幻想文學的代錶。他的創作橫跨幻想、科幻、恐怖、兒童、漫畫等多種領域,代錶作品有《睡魔》《美國眾神》《墳場之書》等,獲艾斯納奬、雨果奬、星雲奬、世界奇幻奬等多種奬項。
In what began as a series of quirkily characteristic ninety-second interludes for New York's public radio station, Kurt Vonnegut asks, on behalf of us all, the Big Questions. Could death be a quality? A place?A work of dark beauty that is funny, disturbing, dazzling, and utterly new, God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian finds Vonnegut playing the role of an "afterlife reporter", bravely allowing himself to be strapped to a gurney by Jack Kevorkian and dispatched round-trip to the Pearly Gates. Or at least that's what he claims in the introduction to these thirty-odd comic and irreverent "interviews" with the likes of Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare, Adolf Hitler, and Clarence Darrow, taking readers to an entirely new place in literature -- a place to which only Vonnegut could lead us.
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