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A Different Kind of Animal

Robert Boyd 作者
Princeton University Press
2017-11-7 出版日期
248 頁數
USD 27.95 價格
9780691177731 圖書編碼

A Different Kind of Animal 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 社會學  演化  景觀  文化進化  人類進化   

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推薦想要瞭解cultural group selection又沒有時間讀書的朋友來讀Boyd, Richerson, & Henrich (2011), 十分精煉地介紹瞭Boyd和朋友們的核心思想


推薦想要瞭解cultural group selection又沒有時間讀書的朋友來讀Boyd, Richerson, & Henrich (2011), 十分精煉地介紹瞭Boyd和朋友們的核心思想


推薦想要瞭解cultural group selection又沒有時間讀書的朋友來讀Boyd, Richerson, & Henrich (2011), 十分精煉地介紹瞭Boyd和朋友們的核心思想


推薦想要瞭解cultural group selection又沒有時間讀書的朋友來讀Boyd, Richerson, & Henrich (2011), 十分精煉地介紹瞭Boyd和朋友們的核心思想


推薦想要瞭解cultural group selection又沒有時間讀書的朋友來讀Boyd, Richerson, & Henrich (2011), 十分精煉地介紹瞭Boyd和朋友們的核心思想

A Different Kind of Animal 在線電子書 著者簡介

Robert Boyd is Origins Professor in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University. His books include How Humans Evolved, Not by Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution, and The Origin and Evolution of Cultures. He lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

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A Different Kind of Animal 在線電子書 圖書描述

Human beings are a very different kind of animal. We have evolved to become the most dominant species on Earth. We have a larger geographical range and process more energy than any other creature alive. This astonishing transformation is usually explained in terms of cognitive ability—people are just smarter than all the rest. But in this compelling book, Robert Boyd argues that culture—our ability to learn from each other—has been the essential ingredient of our remarkable success.

A Different Kind of Animal demonstrates that while people are smart, we are not nearly smart enough to have solved the vast array of problems that confronted our species as it spread across the globe. Over the past two million years, culture has evolved to enable human populations to accumulate superb local adaptations that no individual could ever have invented on their own. It has also made possible the evolution of social norms that allow humans to make common cause with large groups of unrelated individuals, a kind of society not seen anywhere else in nature. This unique combination of cultural adaptation and large-scale cooperation has transformed our species and assured our survival—making us the different kind of animal we are today.

Based on the Tanner Lectures delivered at Princeton University, A Different Kind of Animal features challenging responses by biologist Allen Orr, philosopher Kim Sterelny, economist Paul Seabright, and evolutionary anthropologist Ruth Mace, as well as an introduction by Stephen Macedo.

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