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The Green House

Mario Vargas Llosa 作者
Harper Perennial
Rabassa, Gregory 譯者
2005-02-01 出版日期
405 頁數
USD 14.99 價格
9780060732790 圖書編碼

The Green House 在線電子書 圖書標籤: Novel  Fiction   

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Has been sitting on my bookshelf for over a year and finally got into it. The beginning is so dense that it took so much determination to finally get to the story. Then I became absolutely addicted. This one overlaps with my work a lot--violence and civilizing efforts against Indigenous peoples, gender, colonialism--now I just want to go to Piura.


Has been sitting on my bookshelf for over a year and finally got into it. The beginning is so dense that it took so much determination to finally get to the story. Then I became absolutely addicted. This one overlaps with my work a lot--violence and civilizing efforts against Indigenous peoples, gender, colonialism--now I just want to go to Piura.


Has been sitting on my bookshelf for over a year and finally got into it. The beginning is so dense that it took so much determination to finally get to the story. Then I became absolutely addicted. This one overlaps with my work a lot--violence and civilizing efforts against Indigenous peoples, gender, colonialism--now I just want to go to Piura.


Has been sitting on my bookshelf for over a year and finally got into it. The beginning is so dense that it took so much determination to finally get to the story. Then I became absolutely addicted. This one overlaps with my work a lot--violence and civilizing efforts against Indigenous peoples, gender, colonialism--now I just want to go to Piura.


Has been sitting on my bookshelf for over a year and finally got into it. The beginning is so dense that it took so much determination to finally get to the story. Then I became absolutely addicted. This one overlaps with my work a lot--violence and civilizing efforts against Indigenous peoples, gender, colonialism--now I just want to go to Piura.

The Green House 在線電子書 著者簡介

馬裏奧·巴爾加斯·略薩(Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa,1936年3月28日-),擁有秘魯與西班牙雙重國籍的作傢及詩人。創作小說、劇本、散文隨筆、詩、文學評論、政論雜文,也曾導演舞颱劇、電影和主持廣播電視節目及從政。詭譎瑰奇的小說技法與豐富多樣而深刻的內容為他帶來“結構寫實主義大師”的稱號。因“他對權力結構描繪,以及他那反抗、起義、失敗的犀利印象”獲頒2010年諾貝爾文學奬。

The Green House 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Green House 在線電子書 圖書描述




Mario Vargas Llosa's classic early novel takes place in a Peruvian town, situated between desert and jungle, which is torn by boredom and lust. Don Anselmo, a stranger in a black coat, builds a brothel on the outskirts of the town while he charms its innocent people, setting in motion a chain reaction with extraordinary consequences. This brothel, called the Green House, brings together the innocent and the corrupt: Bonificia, a young Indian girl saved by the nuns only to become a prostitute; Father Garcia, struggling for the church; and four best friends drawn to both excitement and escape. The conflicting forces that haunt the Green House evoke a world balanced between savagery and civilization -- and one that is cursed by not being able to discern between the two.



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The Green House 在線電子書 讀後感


《绿房子》这部长篇小说,概括了上世纪70年代以来整个秘鲁北部(从沿海沙漠地区到亚马孙河流域的森林地区)长达40年的社会生活。对于一切愿意深入了解马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨叙事作品的人来说,阅读《绿房子》这部拉美文学史上的典范小说,是一种不可或缺的体验。 《绿房子》...  



若对《绿房子》来个最简短的评乱,“混乱”是比较贴切的一个词。 结构、时间、人物间的关系,人的命运,文明与野蛮的世界,无疑是各种交错行进于全文。 要想理清,就得足够的专注与耐心。 而到最后,你才能看出各人物的人生路径。 这,又何尝不是我们真正生活的样子呢?又有谁...  



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