What Do Science, Technology, and Innovation Mean from Africa? 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

What Do Science, Technology, and Innovation Mean from Africa?

Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga 作者
The MIT Press
2017-6-16 出版日期
256 頁數
USD 36.00 價格
9780262533904 圖書編碼

What Do Science, Technology, and Innovation Mean from Africa? 在線電子書 圖書標籤: africa  Technology  Science  STS  History  Development  Africa   

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What Do Science, Technology, and Innovation Mean from Africa? 在線電子書 用戶評價


與其說先歐後美的帝國主義核心殖民為Global South帶去STI,不如說他們通過殖民而不斷鑽取吸收著indigenous knowing纔發展瞭STI。(歷史順序) 技術觀念被簡化,被雜糅進發展和先進後得以廣泛傳播,同時其依舊深受規模經濟特權/笛卡爾式空間觀點/買賣權力分離之影響。 Quotation:非洲必須在技術上重新定位,而不再充當其可憐的受害者。非洲年輕一代將需要一個積極的非洲故事來激發渴望......我們已經在展示其他人的殘酷程度上投入太多瞭,並忘記瞭我們一直以來的彈性、足智多謀和創造力。 In&2 傳送門:https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/what-do-science-technology-and-innovation-mean-africa


與其說先歐後美的帝國主義核心殖民為Global South帶去STI,不如說他們通過殖民而不斷鑽取吸收著indigenous knowing纔發展瞭STI。(歷史順序) 技術觀念被簡化,被雜糅進發展和先進後得以廣泛傳播,同時其依舊深受規模經濟特權/笛卡爾式空間觀點/買賣權力分離之影響。 Quotation:非洲必須在技術上重新定位,而不再充當其可憐的受害者。非洲年輕一代將需要一個積極的非洲故事來激發渴望......我們已經在展示其他人的殘酷程度上投入太多瞭,並忘記瞭我們一直以來的彈性、足智多謀和創造力。 In&2 傳送門:https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/what-do-science-technology-and-innovation-mean-africa


與其說先歐後美的帝國主義核心殖民為Global South帶去STI,不如說他們通過殖民而不斷鑽取吸收著indigenous knowing纔發展瞭STI。(歷史順序) 技術觀念被簡化,被雜糅進發展和先進後得以廣泛傳播,同時其依舊深受規模經濟特權/笛卡爾式空間觀點/買賣權力分離之影響。 Quotation:非洲必須在技術上重新定位,而不再充當其可憐的受害者。非洲年輕一代將需要一個積極的非洲故事來激發渴望......我們已經在展示其他人的殘酷程度上投入太多瞭,並忘記瞭我們一直以來的彈性、足智多謀和創造力。 In&2 傳送門:https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/what-do-science-technology-and-innovation-mean-africa


與其說先歐後美的帝國主義核心殖民為Global South帶去STI,不如說他們通過殖民而不斷鑽取吸收著indigenous knowing纔發展瞭STI。(歷史順序) 技術觀念被簡化,被雜糅進發展和先進後得以廣泛傳播,同時其依舊深受規模經濟特權/笛卡爾式空間觀點/買賣權力分離之影響。 Quotation:非洲必須在技術上重新定位,而不再充當其可憐的受害者。非洲年輕一代將需要一個積極的非洲故事來激發渴望......我們已經在展示其他人的殘酷程度上投入太多瞭,並忘記瞭我們一直以來的彈性、足智多謀和創造力。 In&2 傳送門:https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/what-do-science-technology-and-innovation-mean-africa


與其說先歐後美的帝國主義核心殖民為Global South帶去STI,不如說他們通過殖民而不斷鑽取吸收著indigenous knowing纔發展瞭STI。(歷史順序) 技術觀念被簡化,被雜糅進發展和先進後得以廣泛傳播,同時其依舊深受規模經濟特權/笛卡爾式空間觀點/買賣權力分離之影響。 Quotation:非洲必須在技術上重新定位,而不再充當其可憐的受害者。非洲年輕一代將需要一個積極的非洲故事來激發渴望......我們已經在展示其他人的殘酷程度上投入太多瞭,並忘記瞭我們一直以來的彈性、足智多謀和創造力。 In&2 傳送門:https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/what-do-science-technology-and-innovation-mean-africa

What Do Science, Technology, and Innovation Mean from Africa? 在線電子書 著者簡介

Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga is Associate Professor of Science, Technology, and Society at MIT. He is the author of Transient Workspaces: Technologies of Everyday Innovation in Zimbabwe and the editor of What Do Science, Technology, and Innovation Mean from Africa?, both published by the MIT Press.

What Do Science, Technology, and Innovation Mean from Africa? 在線電子書 著者簡介

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What Do Science, Technology, and Innovation Mean from Africa? 在線電子書 圖書描述

Explorations of science, technology, and innovation in Africa not as the product of “technology transfer” from elsewhere but as the working of African knowledge.

In the STI literature, Africa has often been regarded as a recipient of science, technology, and innovation rather than a maker of them. In this book, scholars from a range of disciplines show that STI in Africa is not merely the product of “technology transfer” from elsewhere but the working of African knowledge. Their contributions focus on African ways of looking, meaning-making, and creating. The chapter authors see Africans as intellectual agents whose perspectives constitute authoritative knowledge and whose strategic deployment of both endogenous and inbound things represents an African-centered notion of STI. “Things do not (always) mean the same from everywhere,” observes Clapperton Chakanetsa Mavhunga, the volume's editor. Western, colonialist definitions of STI are not universalizable.

The contributors discuss topics that include the trivialization of indigenous knowledge under colonialism; the creative labor of chimurenga, the transformation of everyday surroundings into military infrastructure; the role of enslaved Africans in America as innovators and synthesizers; the African ethos of “fixing”; the constitutive appropriation that makes mobile technologies African; and an African innovation strategy that builds on domestic capacities. The contributions describe an Africa that is creative, technological, and scientific, showing that African STI is the latest iteration of a long process of accumulative, multicultural knowledge production.

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