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Unholy Trinity

Richard Peet 作者
Palgrave Macmillan
250 頁數
29.95 價格
9781842770733 圖書編碼

Unholy Trinity 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 比較政治經濟學   

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Unholy Trinity 在線電子書 用戶評價


IMF, World Bank, and WTO....Unholy Trinity...


IMF, World Bank, and WTO....Unholy Trinity...


IMF, World Bank, and WTO....Unholy Trinity...


IMF, World Bank, and WTO....Unholy Trinity...


IMF, World Bank, and WTO....Unholy Trinity...

Unholy Trinity 在線電子書 著者簡介

Unholy Trinity 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Unholy Trinity 在線電子書 圖書描述

From Publishers Weekly

Geography professor Peet explores the institutional histories of the three pillars of the global financial order, from their circumscribed beginnings at the post-war Bretton Woods Conference to their increasingly central role in many Third World economies in this detailed critique. As the IMF and World Bank condition their loans on far-reaching and draconian "structural adjustment" programs, and the WTO acts as an unelected, super-government passing judgment on environmental regulations, labor standards and other supposed impediments to trade, Peet argues, these undemocratic organizations assert unprecedented levels of control over a wider and wider segment of the world's population. While maintaining a Keynesian regulatory role over the world economy, he contends, these institutions have become standard-bearers for the neoliberal ideology favored by the "Washington-Wall Street Alliance," imposing on poor countries a regimen of free trade, government austerity, export-led development and deregulation and privatization of the economy. Such policies, he says, although convenient for international corporations and investors, have been disastrous for the people of these countries, resulting in slow growth, environmental devastation, and rising poverty and inequality. Peet is an impassioned left-wing opponent of these policies, but his thoroughly researched and analytically incisive treatment ably sums up a critique that is growing in influence among activists and mainstream economists alike. Academically sophisticated but accessible to laypeople (although his discussion of neoliberal rhetoric occasionally lapses into wholly unnecessary Foucauldian jargon about "restrictive discursive spaces"), Peet's account provides real intellectual heft to back up the placards of anti-globalization protestors.

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


"Seattle, Genoa and Prague have etched the centrality of the IMF, the IBRD and the WTO into our consciousness . This book charts the contours and the reach of these global regulatory institutions and how they serve as a fortress for the prevailing neoliberal theory of globalization."--Michael Watts, Director, Institute of International Studies, University of California

"This is a great book."--David Harvey, City University of New York

". . . provides an important history lesson of how the IMF, World Bank, and WTO were twisted from their original mandates to serve the interests of corporate globalization."--John Cavanagh, Institute for Policy Studies

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