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More, Thomas, Sir, Saint/ Rebhorn, Wayne A./ Robinson, Ralph 作者
Sterling Pub Co Inc
2005-4 出版日期
304 页数
$ 6.72 价格
9781593082444 图书编码

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Utopia 在线电子书 图书描述

Utopia , by Sir Thomas More , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics :

All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. Barnes & Noble Classics pulls together a constellation of influencesbiographical, historical, and literaryto enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works. 0in 0in 0pt">one of the most influential books in the Western philosophical and literary tradition, Sir Thomas More ’s Utopia appeared in 1516. The formidable Henry VIII had recently assumed the throne in England, and conflicting ideas about religion were fueling the Reformation throughout Europe. A scathing satire, Utopia was hugely successful and vaulted More to the forefront of the growing humanist movement. The story of Utopia is told by a mysterious sailor named Raphael Hythloday, who travels to the New World with the Italian explorer Vespucci and remains at a fort built at the farthest point reached. From there, he discovers a strange island kingdom named Utopia, a pagan and communist city-state in which language, social customs, dress, architecture, and education are identical throughout the country’s fifty-four cities. The Utopians have eliminated wealth, the nobility, and currency. Labor and goods are distributed equally and property is held in common. And there are no monasteries, alehouses, or academies to tempt a person to withdraw from society. Given More’s satiric leanings and eventual execution, is Utopia simply an attack on Europe’s wickedness? or is it a philosophical tract extolling the ideal way to live? Ultimately, Utopia navigates a course between the desire to create perfection and the pragmatic understanding that perfection, given the fallibility of mankind, is impossible. Wayne A. Rebhorn is Celanese Centennial Professor of English at the University of Texas at Austin. He has written extensively on Renaissance literature in English, Italian, French, Spanish, and Latin, on authors from Boccaccio through More and Shakespeare down to Milton.

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这部空想社会主义的代表作,采用作者和曾到过世外桃源“乌托邦”岛国的航海家的对话,展现了一个物质丰富、精神富足的共产主义社会。 这个国家,有些荒诞,有些美好,有些悖论。毕竟是理论的东西,有的听起来很美好,但很多难以操作,也难以为继。 资源问题。该国首都位于地理...  


乌托邦人并不是真正的“人”,只是发展阶段比较高的“人”。他们还有宗教,乌托邦人还是作为一个整体来面对神与自然、面对他人、面对自己。乌托邦人的爱本能很强烈,死本能很萎靡。因此战争与破坏并不能给他们带来快感。他们追求健康、和谐的生活,正是里比多的平衡状态。 乌...  


最近花了两天的时间,终于把莫尔的《乌托邦》看完了。之所以看她,是冲着这本书的名头去的,毕竟,经典书目啊,还是想一睹风采。 书并不厚,仅一百五十来页,较之于那些动辄五百多页的大部头来说,此书可谓袖珍了。胡凤飞译本,北京出版社。译文较为朴实,通俗易懂...  


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