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The Pathway to a Zero Injury Safety Culture

Nelson, Emmitt, J. 作者
Lightning Source Inc
2005-11 出版日期
220 頁數
$ 56.44 價格
9780966489682 圖書編碼

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The Pathway to a Zero Injury Safety Culture 在線電子書 圖書描述

Zero employee injury as a safety leadership and management concept has now exceeded a decade in successful application by many employers in a number of industries. Currently there are hundreds of companies in dozens of countries applying this research based employee safety leadershp strategy. This book goes into specific detail on the Construction Industry Institute (CII is located in Austin, Texas and can be found on the internet at research based safety management techniques telling why each technique needs to be in a well rounded zero injury safety initiative. New records in hours worked without an OSHA Recordable Injury are being set every year. Examples of specific companies are given in the text that you can check out for accuracy. Though the research was done in construction the research actually applies to all human endeavor. Put aside the outdated safety management approach of the 20th century and embrace the new. The rewards that come with success are far reaching and become an evergreen part of your company's working culture. Employees become more productive and the sky rocketing medical and other costs of employee injury are brought under control protecting your employee asset and your bottom line. This book tells all. Zero Injury is not easy to accomplish and it takes leader vision, employee buy-in and time as the culture changes to one where employee injury truely becomes a very rare event. About the author. Emmitt J. Nelson has been in the safety consulting business since retirement from Shell Oil Company in 1989. During the final five years of his career with Shell Oil Company he led a corporate emphasis on bringing contractor safety performance into line with Shell's own employee's safety performance. This required leading in the creation of a corporate-wide contractor safety strategy. The results were realized in significantly reduced injury to contractor employees, lower contractor's Workers' Compensation Insurance costs and increased profits for the contractors and more competitive bidding on Shell projects. Immediately upon retirement from Shell, employers interested in reducing injury to their employees enlisted Emmitt as a consultant. He founded Nelson Consulting, Incorporated, in 1992, a Texas Corporation specializing in teaching the Zero Injury concept. The best of his clients, using the material in this book have achieved over 4,500,000 work hours in the USA with zero OSHA Recordables. Emmitt is a B.S. graduate in Mechanical Engineering from Texas AandM University, and a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas. He was honored for his industry wide safety contribution in the year 2000 by being elected to membership in The National Academy of Construction. In 2003, the Construction Industry Institute, Austin, Texas, honored him as an Instructor of the Year. Before retirement he was on the Business Roundtable Construction Committee where he served as Chairman in 1988. Additionally during 1987 and 1988 he served as Co-Chairman of The Center for Construction Education, located at Texas AandM University. He also served as Chairman of the Construction Industry Institute Zero Accidents Taskforce from 1990 to 1993. This Taskforce performed research into the Zero Injury phenomenon uncovering the safety management strategies used by those employers who are successful in working millions of hours with Zero Accidents.

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