Fairy Tales and Feminism 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Fairy Tales and Feminism

Donald P. Haase 編 作者
Wayne State University Press
2004-9 出版日期
256 頁數
$ 33.84 價格
9780814330302 圖書編碼

Fairy Tales and Feminism 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 論文  女性  2016   

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Fairy Tales and Feminism 在線電子書 用戶評價


這本書呢是女性主義second wave中的一個支流,主要是在fairy tales內探討discourse,認為男性控製瞭寫童話的話語權(流傳的作品都是WASP之作),把女性塑造為weak,shallow和innocent的形象,隨時等候王子騎士獵手的拯救。所以feminist想要通過rewrite童話來創造discourse feminine,發掘女性的力量和欲望。其中最齣色是Angela carter,也是作品流傳最廣的,包括改寫小紅帽的黑童話werewolf,一反女性作為mother,virgin,或者prostitute的形象,用瞭許多色情和SM的元素,讓女性來主導desire(世界不就變得更美好瞭木)。但可惜second wave漸漸fade,取而代之的第三波則是越來越無趣瞭


這本書呢是女性主義second wave中的一個支流,主要是在fairy tales內探討discourse,認為男性控製瞭寫童話的話語權(流傳的作品都是WASP之作),把女性塑造為weak,shallow和innocent的形象,隨時等候王子騎士獵手的拯救。所以feminist想要通過rewrite童話來創造discourse feminine,發掘女性的力量和欲望。其中最齣色是Angela carter,也是作品流傳最廣的,包括改寫小紅帽的黑童話werewolf,一反女性作為mother,virgin,或者prostitute的形象,用瞭許多色情和SM的元素,讓女性來主導desire(世界不就變得更美好瞭木)。但可惜second wave漸漸fade,取而代之的第三波則是越來越無趣瞭


這本書呢是女性主義second wave中的一個支流,主要是在fairy tales內探討discourse,認為男性控製瞭寫童話的話語權(流傳的作品都是WASP之作),把女性塑造為weak,shallow和innocent的形象,隨時等候王子騎士獵手的拯救。所以feminist想要通過rewrite童話來創造discourse feminine,發掘女性的力量和欲望。其中最齣色是Angela carter,也是作品流傳最廣的,包括改寫小紅帽的黑童話werewolf,一反女性作為mother,virgin,或者prostitute的形象,用瞭許多色情和SM的元素,讓女性來主導desire(世界不就變得更美好瞭木)。但可惜second wave漸漸fade,取而代之的第三波則是越來越無趣瞭


這本書呢是女性主義second wave中的一個支流,主要是在fairy tales內探討discourse,認為男性控製瞭寫童話的話語權(流傳的作品都是WASP之作),把女性塑造為weak,shallow和innocent的形象,隨時等候王子騎士獵手的拯救。所以feminist想要通過rewrite童話來創造discourse feminine,發掘女性的力量和欲望。其中最齣色是Angela carter,也是作品流傳最廣的,包括改寫小紅帽的黑童話werewolf,一反女性作為mother,virgin,或者prostitute的形象,用瞭許多色情和SM的元素,讓女性來主導desire(世界不就變得更美好瞭木)。但可惜second wave漸漸fade,取而代之的第三波則是越來越無趣瞭


這本書呢是女性主義second wave中的一個支流,主要是在fairy tales內探討discourse,認為男性控製瞭寫童話的話語權(流傳的作品都是WASP之作),把女性塑造為weak,shallow和innocent的形象,隨時等候王子騎士獵手的拯救。所以feminist想要通過rewrite童話來創造discourse feminine,發掘女性的力量和欲望。其中最齣色是Angela carter,也是作品流傳最廣的,包括改寫小紅帽的黑童話werewolf,一反女性作為mother,virgin,或者prostitute的形象,用瞭許多色情和SM的元素,讓女性來主導desire(世界不就變得更美好瞭木)。但可惜second wave漸漸fade,取而代之的第三波則是越來越無趣瞭

Fairy Tales and Feminism 在線電子書 著者簡介

Donald Haase is chair of the Department of German and Slavic Studies at Wayne State University.

Fairy Tales and Feminism 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Fairy Tales and Feminism 在線電子書 圖書描述

In the 1970s, feminists focused critical attention on fairy tales and broke the spell that had enchanted readers for centuries. By exposing the role of fairy tales in the cultural struggle over gender, feminism transformed fairy-tale studies and sparked a debate that would change the way society thinks about fairy tales and the words "happily ever after." Now, after three decades of provocative criticism and controversy, this book reevaluates the feminist critique of fairy tales. The eleven essays within Fairy Tales and Feminism challenge and rethink conventional wisdom about the fairy-tale heroine and offer new insights into the tales produced by female writers and storytellers. Resisting a one-dimensional view of the woman-centered fairy tale, each essay reveals ambiguities in female-authored tales and the remarkable potential of classical tales to elicit unexpected responses from women. Exploring new texts and contexts, Fairy Tales and Feminism reaches out beyond the national and cultural boundaries that have limited our understanding of the fairy tale. The authors reconsider the fairy tale in French, German, and Anglo-American contexts and also engage Africa, Indian Ocean, Iberian, Latin American, Indo-Anglian, and South Asian diasporic texts. Also considered within this volume is how film, television, advertising, and the Internet test the fairy tale's boundaries and its traditional authority in defining gender. From the Middle Ages to the postmodern age--from the French fabliau to Hollywood's Ever After and television's Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?--the essays assembled here cover a broad range of topics that map new territory for fairy-tale studies. Framed by a criticalsurvey of feminist fairy-tale scholarship and an extensive bibliography--the most comprehensive listing of women-centered fairy-tale research ever assembled--Fairy Tales and Feminism is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the intersection of fairy tales and feminism.

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Fairy Tales and Feminism 在線電子書 讀後感


The written literary traditions have always been shaped and institutionalized by men. The representations of females in literature, as weak, domestic, stupid, hysteria and vain, are shaped by males. The gender roles women are expected to play, the morals an...


The written literary traditions have always been shaped and institutionalized by men. The representations of females in literature, as weak, domestic, stupid, hysteria and vain, are shaped by males. The gender roles women are expected to play, the morals an...


The written literary traditions have always been shaped and institutionalized by men. The representations of females in literature, as weak, domestic, stupid, hysteria and vain, are shaped by males. The gender roles women are expected to play, the morals an...


The written literary traditions have always been shaped and institutionalized by men. The representations of females in literature, as weak, domestic, stupid, hysteria and vain, are shaped by males. The gender roles women are expected to play, the morals an...


The written literary traditions have always been shaped and institutionalized by men. The representations of females in literature, as weak, domestic, stupid, hysteria and vain, are shaped by males. The gender roles women are expected to play, the morals an...

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