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A Game of Thrones

[美] 喬治·R·R·馬丁 作者
Bantam Books
2005-8-23 出版日期
835 頁數
GBP 3.04 價格
Mass Market Paperback
9780553588484 圖書編碼

A Game of Thrones 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 冰與火之歌  George.R.R.Martin  英文原版  奇幻  小說  魔幻  Fantasy  喬治·馬丁   

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keep walking, if I look back I am lost.





A Game of Thrones 在線電子書 著者簡介

George R.R. Martin sold his first story in 1971 and has been writing professionally ever since. He has written fantasy, horror, and science fiction, and for his sins spent ten years in Hollywood as a writer/producer, working on Twilight Zone, Beauty and the Beast, and various feature films and television pilots that were never made. In the mid 90s he returned to prose, his first love, and began work on his epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire. He has been in the Seven Kingdoms ever since. Whenever he's allowed to leave, he returns to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he lives with the lovely Parris, a big white dog called Mischa, and two cats named Augustus and Caligula who think they run the place.

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A Game of Thrones 在線電子書 圖書描述

First volume of a brilliant new fantasy trilogy: the most powerful, original and absorbing new epic since Stephen Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. The first volume of George R R Martin's glorious high fantasy tells the tragic story of treachery, greed and war that threatens the unity of the Seven Kingdoms south of the Wall. Martin unfolds with astonishing skill a tale of truly epic dimensions, thronged with memorable characters, a story of treachery and ambition, love and magic. Set in a fabulous world scarred by battle and catastrophe over 8000 years of recorded history, it tells of the deeds of men and women locked in the deadliest of conflicts and the terrible legacy they will leave their children. In the game of thrones, you win or you die. And in the bitter-cold, unliving lands beyond the Wall, a terrible winter gathers and the others -- the undead, the neverborn, wildlings to whom the threat of the sword is nothing -- make ready to descend on the realms of men. A Game of Thrones begins the most imaginative, ambitious and compelling fantasy epic since The Lord of the Rings. Thronged with memorable characters, it unfolds with astonishing skill a tale of truly epic dimensions. There have been many pretenders to the throne of Tolkien: now at last he has a true heir.

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A Game of Thrones 在線電子書 讀後感



在文章结构上,马丁运用了被他自己称为“马赛克小说”(Mosaic Novel)式的结构。全书选取了多位“视点人物”(Viewpoint Characters),每个章节从不同的视点人物出发,采用非全知的第三人称叙述,限制人物和读者获知的信息量,随着剧情发展渐渐释放。每一章节便为一则结构...  


1,本文译自冰与火之歌的网站,采用了谭光磊先生的译本的译名,内文未删减,但有部分扩充以利说明。 2,译名表和地图可能在后来发出。 3,由于小说至今未完,作者还留有很多秘密和伏笔,所以尚有一些不明之处。 远古的历史(从世界之初到征服战争) 译者CCXX=屈畅 在世界之...  



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