會計簡史 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 會計學 會計 財務 經濟學 商業 經管金融 yy 現實
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評分“財務報錶就如同比基尼一樣,盡管露齣來的部分很有趣,但更重要的是沒有露齣來的部分”。 好書,深刻揭示瞭會計準則內部邏輯混亂的內因:各利益群體乾預導緻瞭會計準則製定目標如同風中的稻草一般,來迴搖擺。 事實上,這種政治經濟學的研究近路對任何製度都適用。更值得思考的是,在會計準則事實上是美國證監會用以標準化上市公司信息披露信息的規則的情況下,中國證監會在缺乏會計準則製定權及解釋權時,如何真正意義上促進上市公司財務信息披露的質量。 另,金融學一再強調市場有效,規則的製定對規則無意義,似乎纔是薩班斯法案後來被部分推翻的原因。
托馬斯‧金(Thomas King) 從小在威斯康星州的拉辛市長大,後考入哈佛大學學習人文科學。畢業後進入安達信會計師事務所紐約辦事處,擔任審計師。在此期間,他獲得瞭紐約大學會計學碩士學位,取得瞭注冊會計師(CPA)和注冊管理會計師(CMA)的資格認證。三年後進入哈佛商學院深造,並獲MBA學位。畢業後加入位於剋利夫蘭的前進保險公司(Progressive Insurance),從事營銷和管理方麵的工作。在保險公司工作瞭十年後重新迴歸會計行業,先後擔任會計主管、投資策略師和財務總監等職。
I bought and started to read this book while in junior year when Intermediate accounting classes were causing some pain. These classes introduced a large amount of complicated and obscure rules, and I refuted to accept them without deeper explanation of why...
評分I bought and started to read this book while in junior year when Intermediate accounting classes were causing some pain. These classes introduced a large amount of complicated and obscure rules, and I refuted to accept them without deeper explanation of why...
評分I bought and started to read this book while in junior year when Intermediate accounting classes were causing some pain. These classes introduced a large amount of complicated and obscure rules, and I refuted to accept them without deeper explanation of why...
評分I bought and started to read this book while in junior year when Intermediate accounting classes were causing some pain. These classes introduced a large amount of complicated and obscure rules, and I refuted to accept them without deeper explanation of why...
評分I bought and started to read this book while in junior year when Intermediate accounting classes were causing some pain. These classes introduced a large amount of complicated and obscure rules, and I refuted to accept them without deeper explanation of why...
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