Firefighting 在线电子书 图书标签: 金融 金融危机 美国 经济史 English 金融传记&分析 经济,政治和历史 历史
Firefighting 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024
评分次贷危机后十年,三位当年金融漩涡里的舵手齐聚首、再回首,可世界已经发生了多么翻天覆地的变化!低利率、低增长、低通胀、高债务的所谓“新常态”,正极大地考验学界和政策界的认知和处置能力。 这三位在国内耳熟能详的作者,对于次贷危机处置的叙述很中肯,对当时干番大事(虽然事后才显得那么荡气回肠)的同仇敌忾很激赏,对下一轮危机引爆时当下的制度和政策储备很焦虑(到哪里再去找责任担当,到哪里再去找同仇敌忾?)。 这次还是一样(This time was not different),下次危机的种子仍在无可避免地孕育;这次究竟不同(This time was different),天时地利人和齐聚首殊难求。
2008 saw one of the worst financial crises in generations, the global implications of which are still being felt today. Ten years later Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner and Hank Paulson reflect on the causes of the crisis, why it was so damaging, and what it ultimately took to prevent a second Great Depression.
All three had crucial roles in the government's response- Ben S. Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve; Henry M. Paulson, Jr., as secretary of the Treasury under President George W. Bush; Timothy F. Geithner as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York during the Bush years and then Treasury secretary under President Barack Obama. A powerful, warts and all account told with unprecedented clarity; from the flawed human response to the necessity to learn from the past and help firefighters of the future protect economies from the ravages of financial crises.
Firefighting is a vital account of a defining moment in modern history and an inspiring lesson on leadership through crisis.
From the three primary architects of the American policy response to the worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression, a magnificent big-picture synthesis--from why it happened to where we are now.
In 2018, Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner, and Hank Paulson came together to reflect on the lessons of the 2008 financial crisis ten years on. Recognizing that, as Ben put it, "the enemy is forgetting," they examine the causes of the crisis, why it was so damaging, and what it ultimately took to prevent a second Great Depression. And they provide to their successors in the United States and the finance ministers and central bank governors of other countries a valuable playbook for reducing the damage from future financial crises. Firefighting provides a candid and powerful account of the choices they and their teams made during the crisis, working under two presidents and with the leaders of Congress.
“2008年金融危机所面临的压力表现在这些方面,包括股票价格和房价的下跌,以及产出和就业的下降,这甚至比大萧条的早期阶段还要糟糕,但政府这一次设法阻止了恐慌,稳定了金融系统,重振了信贷市场,并启动了持续到今天的复苏。” 01 — 三位作者是08年次贷危机时美国金融界救...
评分金融危机,一言以蔽之,曰挤兑。在经济繁荣期,信用的过度创造早已埋下了危机的根源,居安思危反而显得“不识时务”,各类机构争相进场狂欢,虽底层已暗流涌动,局内人均选择了视而不见。 巴黎银行的一纸申明引发了蝴蝶效应,迅速引发了全面的信心不足,群体恐慌助推挤兑,优质...
评分——读《灭火:美国金融危机及其教训》 文 | 黄益平 金融是人类创造的最伟大的经济工具之一。金融使得劳动分工、规模效益与技术进步成为可能,没有金融,工业革命不可能发生,所以说,金融是经济发展的重要推动力量。但凡是硬币,都有两面。金融最基本的功能是资金的融通以及期...
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