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Human Smoke

Nicholson Baker 作者
Simon & Schuster
2008-03-11 出版日期
800 頁數
USD 30.00 價格
9781416567844 圖書編碼

Human Smoke 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 二戰   

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Human Smoke 在線電子書 用戶評價


Shall view things in different aspects.


Shall view things in different aspects.


Shall view things in different aspects.


Shall view things in different aspects.


Mencius Moldbug推薦的二戰入門讀物,配閤 Don Siegeld的Hitler lives,會讓你重新考慮二戰美帝參戰是為瞭什麼

Human Smoke 在線電子書 著者簡介

Human Smoke 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Human Smoke 在線電子書 圖書描述

Bestselling author Nicholson Baker, recognized as one of the most dexterous and talented writers in the US today, has created a compelling work of non-fiction bound to provoke discussion and controversy -- a wide-ranging, astonishingly fresh perspective on the political and social landscape that gave rise to World War II. Human Smoke delivers a closely textured, deeply moving indictment of the treasured myths that have romanticized much of the 1930s and '40s. Incorporating meticulous research and well-documented sources -- including newspaper and magazine articles, radio speeches, memoirs, and diaries -- the book juxtaposes hundreds of interrelated moments of decision, brutality, suffering, and mercy. Vivid glimpses of political leaders and their dissenters illuminate and examine the gradual, horrifying advance towards overt global war and Holocaust. Praised by critics and readers alike for his exquisitely observant eye and deft, inimitable prose, Baker has assembled a narrative within Human Smoke that unfolds gracefully, tragically, and persuasively.

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Human Smoke 在線電子書 讀後感


Benedetto Croce said: all history is contemporary history. This is because most historians are observers of and participants in the society. The perspectives of their works are influenced by time, environment and the possible lessons they might learn for th...


Benedetto Croce said: all history is contemporary history. This is because most historians are observers of and participants in the society. The perspectives of their works are influenced by time, environment and the possible lessons they might learn for th...


Benedetto Croce said: all history is contemporary history. This is because most historians are observers of and participants in the society. The perspectives of their works are influenced by time, environment and the possible lessons they might learn for th...


Benedetto Croce said: all history is contemporary history. This is because most historians are observers of and participants in the society. The perspectives of their works are influenced by time, environment and the possible lessons they might learn for th...


Benedetto Croce said: all history is contemporary history. This is because most historians are observers of and participants in the society. The perspectives of their works are influenced by time, environment and the possible lessons they might learn for th...

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