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C# in Depth

Jon Skeet 作者
Manning Publications
April 21, 2008 出版日期
424 pages 頁數
$44.99 價格
9781933988368 圖書編碼

C# in Depth 在線電子書 圖書標籤: C  #c  #編程  .Net  計算機  .NET  programming  計算機科學   

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C# in Depth 在線電子書 用戶評價


翻完瞭一遍,發現原來 C# 3 中有太多的好東西,後麵的部分看的不是很明白,希望以後有機會能夠重讀


Very useful......


翻完瞭一遍,發現原來 C# 3 中有太多的好東西,後麵的部分看的不是很明白,希望以後有機會能夠重讀




Very useful......

C# in Depth 在線電子書 著者簡介

Jon Skeet has worked with C# since 2002, and has been a Microsoft C# MVP since October 2003. He has spent a great amount of time in the C# community answering questions in newsgroups as well as writing articles on the most misunderstood aspects of C# and .NET. After having read tens of thousands of questions over the years, Jon has developed a deep insight into the areas that developers have trouble with, as well as what they're trying to achieve. A keen reader of specifications, Jon aims to understand the language at the deepest level, which enables him to provide a detailed exposition of C#, including a few dark corners which can trip up the unwary developer.

C# in Depth 在線電子書 著者簡介

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C# in Depth 在線電子書 圖書描述

C# in Depth is a completely new book designed to propel existing C# developers to a higher level of programming skill. One simple principle drives this book: explore a few things deeply rather than offer a shallow view of the whole C# landscape. If you often find yourself wanting just a little more at the end of a typical chapter, this is the book for you.

Expert author Jon Skeet dives into the C# language, plumbing new C# 2 and 3 features and probing the core C# language concepts that drive them. This unique book puts the new features into context of how C# has evolved without a lengthy rehearsal of the full C# language.

C# in Depth briefly examines the history of C# and the .NET framework and reviews a few often-misunderstood C# 1 concepts that are very important as the foundation for fully exploiting C# 2 and 3. Because the book addresses C# 1 with a light touch, existing C# developers don't need to pick through the book in order to find new material to enhance their skills.

This book focuses on the C# 2 and 3 versions of the language, but clearly explains where features are supported by changes in the runtime (CLR) or use new framework classes. Each feature gets a thorough explanation, along with a look on how you'd use it in real life applications.

C# in Depth is both a vehicle for learning C# 2 and 3 and a reference work. Although the coverage is in-depth, the text is always accessible: You'll explore pitfalls that can trip you up, but you'll skip over gnarly details best left to the language specification. The overall effect is that readers become not just proficient in C# 2 and 3, but comfortable that they truly understand the language.

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C# in Depth 在線電子書 讀後感




深入解析C#精彩书评 本书详细信息页面地址:http://www.china-pub.com/196689 这是一本纯粹的C#语言的书,和.NET Framework 关系不大,和CLR 关系不大。正如本书的前言作者所说,作者本身的意图就是讲解C#语言,使每个喜爱C#的程序员能够得心应手的工作,最后这本书的定位就...  


C#无好书。这本书算是目前见到的还不错的。 一般的C#书,包括那些大部头的红皮书,和Jesse Liberty的所谓经典,实在是非常之浅,学到手的那点C#也就是能拿来写点组装代码,深入一些的东西都不知道。 这本书算是讲得比较深入了,而且作者尽量去分析了语言设计的动机,这个是非...


本书中最精彩包括:使用泛型来编织优雅的代码,对LINQ To SQL实现机制的剖析和表达式树,这些重要而且有趣的内容在别的书中是没有的,如果你想真正掌握C#并且编写完美的代码,我强烈推荐这本书!  


终于再次清晰了什么是委托的思路,以及委托和事件的区别 再循序渐进的明白匿名方法就是委托的简单语法糖,而lamada又是匿名方法的简单语法糖,进而是linq,原来C#是这样进化的。而扩展方法再让C#编程函数化! 其实说到最后就是通过委托来松耦合各个代码块的关系,而再通过各种...  

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