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Linux Kernel Development

Robert Love 作者
Addison-Wesley Professional
May 20, 2010 出版日期
440 页数
USD 49.99 价格
9780672329463 图书编码

Linux Kernel Development 在线电子书 图书标签: Linux  kernel  操作系统  内核  计算机  linux  Kernel  Linux/Unix   

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Linux Kernel Development 在线电子书 用户评价




Easy read, detailed overview. Though it may be time for a new edition.


没必要在这本书上浪费时间,Understanding the Linux Kernel或者Professional Linux Kernel Architecture比这本书好太多。关键是读了这本书还是要去读那两本书(挑一本),但是那两本书读完,这本书你完全没必要看。


本书没有过多的陷入实现细节,而是由“需求、设计和实现”所贯穿,与BSD上圣经级的"The Design and Implementation of 4.4 BSD OS"可谓相得益彰,不同的是前者在各组件上介绍的更细致,对于确实没读过写过内核的人来说有很高的指导意义,而后者在具有足够的基础下显得更加高屋建瓴。无论是Linux还是BSD,将两本书互为参考,都是很有意义的。


之前看过Robert Love的Linux System Programming, 行文风格还是挺类似,惜墨如金。将千万行代码级别的项目浓缩成短短的三百多页的书也就说明了与大部头风格的Understanding the Linux Kernel和Professional Linux Architecture相比,它不是一本具体、详细介绍Linux内核代码的书。不过由于作者良好的大局观,这依然是一本极好的Linux 内核读物,书中虽然不会有具体的代码分析,但是为阅读linux内核代码提供极佳的指导。我读这本书的感觉就好像是探险游戏一样,暂时不知道结果是什么样的,但是我知道该通过什么方法一步步去达成

Linux Kernel Development 在线电子书 著者简介

Robert Love is an open source programmer, speaker, and author who has been using and contributing to Linux for more than 15 years. He is currently senior software engineer at Google, where he was a member of the team that developed the Android mobile platform’s kernel. Prior to Google, he was Chief Architect, Linux Desktop, at Novell. Before Novell, he was a kernel engineer at MontaVista Software and Ximian.

Love’s kernel projects include the preemptive kernel, the process scheduler, the kernel events layer, inotify,VM enhancements, and several device drivers.

He has given numerous talks on and has written multiple articles about the Linux kernel and is a contributing editor for Linux Journal. His other books include Linux System Programming and Linux in a Nutshell.

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Linux Kernel Development 在线电子书 图书描述

The third edition of the authoritative, practical introduction to the Linux kernel for programmers who want to better understand the Linux kernel and write and develop kernel code. Authored by a well-known member of the Linux kernel development team, with a reputation for a highly readable and focused writing style, this edition has been thoroughly updated and includes improved coverage of all the major subsystems and features of the latest version of the Linux 2.6.xx kernel.

Linux Kernel Development details the design and implementation of the Linux kernel, presenting the content in a manner that is beneficial to those writing and developing kernel code. While the book discusses topics that are theoretical, it does so with the goal of assisting programmers so they better understand the topics and become more efficient and productive in their coding.

The book discusses the major subsystems and features of the Linux kernel, including design and implementation, their purpose and goals, and their interfaces. Important computer science and operating system design details are also addressed. The book covers the Linux kernel from both angles -- theoretical and applied -- which should appeal to both types of readers.

The author, a core kernel developer, shares valuable knowledge and experience on the very latest Linux kernel.

Specific topics covered will include: all the important algorithms, relevant subsystems, process management, scheduling, time management and timers, system call interface, memory addressing, memory management, paging strategies, caching layers, VFS, kernel synchronization, and signals.

An authoritative, practical guide that helps programmers better understand the Linux kernel, and to write and develop kernel code.

* Authored by core Linux kernel developers.

* In-depth coverage of all the major subsystems and features of the new Linux 2.6 kernel.

* Targeted audience includes programmers interested in gaining relevant and timely information so they may further their kernel development skills.

--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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Linux Kernel Development 在线电子书 读后感


Robert Love是个传奇人物。 传奇的原因是,当他还是大四学生的时候,已经有了7年的linux经验,并设计了linux的抢占式内核——2.4到2.6版内核的最关键进步之一。现在找到这个传奇在中国流传的源头,是一篇2002年初题为《看看国外的本科生能做什么?》的对当时大四的Robert Love...  


我是对照中英文看的,去买了本译本,下了英文的ebook,主要是还是想赶点时间出来。中文的译文文笔倒还不错,至少很多笑话翻译得非常恰当,呵呵。但是致命伤也不少: 第一,排版上问题很大。很多原来的粗体斜体对关键词的标识根本就消失了。译者有时候弄点译者注,竟然就直接在...  


能够把linux内核在短短300页叙述一遍,本身就是高难度的事情。但这本书确实做到了。 这本书基本是在俯视linux内核。全书很少涉及具体实现,而是把握思想,讲解算法,可以了解到linux内核的大概,而不用纠缠于具体细节。 而且这本书虽然使用的最新2.6版内核做讲解,但穿插历史...  


P138 注释1 幸好Linux没有提供这样的递归锁。【Windows下的Mutex和Critical Section是可递归的。Linux下的pthread_mutex_t锁默认是非递归的。可以显示的设置PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE属性,将pthread_mutex_t设为递归锁。】  


因为对操作系统有些疑惑,就读了一下这本书。 这本书并不是专门讲操作系统理论的,而是专注阐释linux内核的机制和相应的实现方法,包括进程管理调度、内存管理、内核同步、定时器、文件系统等。 同时本书也附有内核源码用以帮助读者理解,读完之后确实消除了自己对...  

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