Janson's History of Art, Book 3 在线电子书 图书标签: design
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J.E.戴维斯(Penelope J.E.Davies),美国得克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校助理教授。她主攻希腊罗马艺术与建筑,同时也是一位考古学家。她的著作《死亡与皇帝:从奥古斯都到马可·奥勒利乌斯时代的罗马帝国墓葬》曾获瓦萨里奖。
沃尔特·B·丹尼(Walter B.Denny),美国马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校艺术史教授,史密斯学院艺术博物馆伊斯兰艺术的策展顾问。他的著作包括有关奥斯曼土耳其地毯、织物和瓷器的书籍,以及有关细密画和建筑的论文。
弗利玛·福克斯·霍弗里希特(Frima Fox Hofrichter),美国布拉特学院艺术与设计史系教授、系主任。她的著作《朱迪思·莱斯特,荷兰黄金时代的一位艺术家》曾获美国艺术院校协会的米勒德·迈斯出版基金奖。
约瑟夫·雅各布斯(Joseph Jacobs),现居纽约市的独立学者,批评家及艺术史家,主要关注现代艺术。佛罗里达州萨拉索塔市约翰和马布尔·林林艺术博物馆策展人,俄克拉荷马城艺术博物馆董事,新泽西州纽瓦克博物馆美国艺术策展人。
安·M·罗伯茨(Ann M.Roberts),美国森林湖学院艺术教授,新版《詹森艺术史》的主要作者。专攻文艺复兴的艺术史家,她发表了众多有关北方和意大利文艺复兴的散文、论文和评论。她的研究主要关注文艺复兴时期的女性。
大卫·L·西蒙(David L.Simon),美国科尔比学院耶特艺术教授,2005年获学院的巴塞特教学奖。出版的著作包括大都会艺术博物馆及其分馆修道院艺术博物馆收藏的西班牙和法国南部罗马式雕塑目录。
Completely rewritten and reorganized, this groundbreaking edition weaves together the most recent scholarship, the most current thinking in art history, and the most innovative digital art library. Experience the new Janson and re-experience the history of art. The Portable Edition of Janson's History of Art, Seventh Edition features four lightweight, paperback books packaged together along with optional access to a powerful student website, www.myartkit.com, making the text more student friendly than ever. Janson's History of Art is still available in the original hardcover edition and in Volume I and Volume II splits. The Portable Edition is comprised of four books each representing a major period of art history: Book 1: Ancient Art includes chapters 1-7 Book 2: Medieval Art includes chapters 8-13 Book 3: The Renaissance Art Through the Rococo includes chapters 13-22 Book 4: The Modern World includes chapters 23-30. Long established as the classic and seminal introduction to art of the Western world, the Seventh Edition of Janson's History of Art is groundbreaking. When Harry Abrams first published the History of Art in 1962, John F. Kennedy occupied the White House, and Andy Warhol was an emerging artist. Janson offered his readers a strong focus on Western art, an important consideration of technique and style, and a clear point of view. The History of Art, said Janson, was not just a stringing together of historically significant objects, but the writing of a story about their interconnections, a history of styles and of stylistic change. Janson's text focused on the visual and technical characteristics of the objects he discussed, often in extraordinarily eloquent language. Janson's History of Art helped to establish the canon of art history for many generations of scholars. The new Seventh Edition introduces the authorship of six distinguished specialists narrating the history of art for today's students. The contribution of multiple authors allows an expert's understanding to permeate each and every part of the text with a currency in art historical thinking and an enhanced discussion of context. The result is a complete rewriting and a weaving together of expert knowledge into a meaningful and powerful presentation of Western art.
记得上次看的时候就有不少的错字和小瑕疵,这次就顺手记下来了,大概会一直看一直更新吧,嗯直到懒癌发作为止。还有些通用译法的问题大概会酌情添加。 所用版本:湖南美术出版社2018年第二次印刷 P110始,在罗马建筑及早期基督教教堂建筑中多次提及,“Basilica”在本书中译作...
评分1、文字没来得及细看,翻后感觉浅显易懂,十分流畅。是西方艺术史,无中、日、非洲方面内容。 2、图片是我看过国内出版艺术史中色彩最亮的,《梅杜萨之筏》、《夜巡》都可以看得清清楚楚。就《夜巡》而言,我记得有的评论说小女孩是画作中唯一的光源,但在本书中我看到两个:...
评分首先说,这书实在是太贵了。不过想到是给孩子买的,又能看很多年,也很精致,又大本,又印刷质量高。还是很超值的。 说实话,这是我第一次这么认真的看艺术史的书,除了以前参观博物馆,美术馆,我还真没从来没有看过这类似的东西,都是别的书涉及的,我读一点儿,或者看别的...
评分1983年,人民美术出版社打算出版《詹森艺术史》台湾曾堉先生译本。陈允鹤先生托我将台湾版文字校勘一遍。核对原文时,发现译本意译之处较多,甚至还夹有台湾的俏皮话。即把此况报告陈先生,因而决定重译本书。此为译作之始。 如何译制原作?当时学术界正探讨这个问题。从...
评分1、文字没来得及细看,翻后感觉浅显易懂,十分流畅。是西方艺术史,无中、日、非洲方面内容。 2、图片是我看过国内出版艺术史中色彩最亮的,《梅杜萨之筏》、《夜巡》都可以看得清清楚楚。就《夜巡》而言,我记得有的评论说小女孩是画作中唯一的光源,但在本书中我看到两个:...
Janson's History of Art, Book 3 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025